Page 5 of Knights of Past
As for me, I still had part of the story to tell.
“It happened when I was a baby, the only time Lucius ever saw me,” I said, making my mother cry out,
“Oh God no… what did he do to you?” my mother asked, making me shake my head.
“It's not what you think, he didn't do anything to me… it was, well it was actually all me.”
“You? Amelia, you were but a baby,” my father argued softly.
“Yes, but I was a baby drawn to him even then, as the second he came close enough, I grew fangs and I bit him.”
“What?!” my mother shouted, whereas this time my father looked simply stunned into silence.
“It’s true…” I said smiling, before carrying on and being able to laugh about it now.
“I bit him through his glove and into the hand that held the Venom of God, I don't know how, but a piece of my soul got transferred into him. It was the supernatural piece of me… the part of my blood that most likely would have torn me to pieces, that would have darkened my mortal soul and left me a shadow of what I have finally become today.”
“What she says is true,” Lucifer added, as if knowing this outcome before it had chance to take root and guide my destiny down this dark path.
“It was the part that Lucifer had left inside you, Mum, when I was nothing more than a tiny spark of life… that was the piece Lucius took. He didn't intend for it to happen, but it was why after it did, he never came near me again. Not until the next time we saw each other, which you both know was when he saved me at sixteen years old,” I said, now telling them it all and surprisingly, feeling better for it.
“A kidnapping attempt that I believe Matthias was responsible for,” Lucifer added, surprising everyone this time.
“You gave her Pertinax's blood…my unborn child!?”My mother accused the Devil in a dark and dangerous tone, and it had to be said, she was as brave as I was to face him like that.
“I did as I was Fated to, my dear.”
“Fated?!” my mum shouted, making my dad be the one to restrain her back this time.
“What your daughter says is true, had my son not taken that piece of her, she would not be the daughter standing here today, she would not have been the symbol of our victory, but instead the symbol of our defeat for she would have been the ruling force and what we would have been fighting against. Lucius saved your daughter’s soul,you all did,”Lucifer said,surprising me with his honesty and the fact that he obvious cared.
But then, considering what the outcome may have been, was it all that surprising? Since the beginning of Hell’s existence, Lucifer had ruled this dark realm and despite knowing the fable tales of the few times he had come close to losing that rule before, it had to be said, that none were as close as this had been.
Was this his way of thanking me, I wondered, as he most certainly seemed to have my back now. Along with that of his son’s. Something he proved when he continued on,
“…and because of that Fate, Hell is still mine…” At this he took pause so he could go back to addressing me, obviously having said all he intended to say to my parents. Which was when I felt the back of a smooth claw at my chin, guiding my face back to his, silently demanding my attention.
“Now, I entrust you to take your rightful place as Queen and rule the Kingdom and army that is yours by birthright, as well as what will no doubt be in marriage as well. Something I am certain will happen sooner rather than later. Which, take heed, little Vampire born, for I remind you, this will make you my daughter-in-law, so I trust you to be on his throne and stay there until his return…” He tapped me twice under my chin in a teasingly gentle way before he cast his dark and foreboding gaze over to the sea of Hell’s armies still kneeling at my back. Then he raised himself even taller and bellowed out across the canyon floor,
“…FOR LET IT NOW BE KNOWN TO ALL MY KINGDOM, HEED MY WORDS AND MARK THEM AS LAW, FOR NO ONE DARES STAND AGAINST MY DAUGHTER, BE IT PUNISHABLE BY DEATH OF YOUR SOUL!” I swear I nearly choked on my own shock, as Lucifer, Overlord and King of all of Hell had just proclaimed me as his daughter and made it law that no one should ever threaten me.
I. Was. Speechless.
After this, Lucifer turned to my grandfather, a being that was clearly a good friend of his and had been grinning throughout this whole thing.
“Here’s to another tale to regale our old souls with, for as always it is a pleasure having you fight by my side, my friend,” Lucifer said, making my grandfather bow his head.
“As it was with you, forever, my King,” Asmodeus replied, adding his respect for whom he was clearly loyal to at the end. After this Lucifer walked further past and held out his hand towards the destruction I had made. I had little time to wonder why he did this as suddenly the box that had once been the key Matthias had used, shot into his hand from beneath the rubble. I then watched as it quickly formed into that of a box again, just exactly the same one as it had been when I had first laid my eyes on it back on that Fated day.
The day that brought me Lucius.
Uncurling his impressive Demonic blood red wings, Lucifer then took off to the skies, making me watch as he flew off into the distance. I could just make out as he flew over where Pip was still ‘entertaining’ Abaddon, who had thankfully calmed significantly since Pip had been flown over there and dropped to his feet. In fact, shamefully, I think I could still see her little naked body dancing for him and it looked as if all she was missing was the pol… oh no, there it was, I thought, now wishing that was one part of my uncle’s Demonic anatomy I wish I could scrape from my memory. I could only hope that he wouldn't start clapping as I think that might have started an earthquake, and the cliffs surrounding us already looked as if one had happened.
I released a sigh and turned back to my parents the moment my mother called my name.
“Why did you never tell us?” my father asked, but then took pause and looked at my mother. “Unless this is yet another thing you knew and chose not to tell me?” he asked skeptically, making my mother growl at him and smack him with the back of her hand.