Page 53 of Knights of Past
“And last time didn’t exactly go well,”I whispered like this was a secret. Although, who could overhear…? I had no clue, seeing as we were the only ones traveling. I also hated to remind him of the past and of what happened the last time we had set foot in Afterlife. In fact, the only way it would’ve ended worse, was with Lucius at the end of my father’s sword.
“Honestly, Lucius, you say my name like it holds the answer without actually being an answer. It’s very frustrating.” At this, he chuckled.
“I say your name that way because the answer is obvious and shouldn’t need my words. But seeing as you apparently need them, I will remind you that the last time we were at Afterlife was very different. Your parents didn’t even know we were together. Also, I may remind you that you didn’t trust me and I didn’t trust you with the truth. But I would say we’ve come a long way since those days, don’t you think?” I released a sigh and admitted,
“I guess you have a point.”
“Yes, and that point includes a marriage. It also includes your father no longer want to rip my head from my neck,” he added.
“Another good point.”
“I do have them occasionally,” he replied wryly.
“Occasionally,”I agreed, making him raise a single brow at me.
“Besides, I will also remind you that this was your idea… it was your choice, sweetheart.” I groaned at this, throwing my hands up dramatically, saying,
“I know, I know, I know.” I also did this now focusing my attention out of the window, wishing that the sight of land coming in to view held a more comforting sight than it did.
“Amelia, my love, you are overthinking this. Your father and I are on good terms. We are no longer at war with each other. If anything, and I cannot believe I’m about to say this, the only good to come out of our turbulent, runaway,past was that we were forced to work together. We were forced back into the alliance we once had and at the centre of that alliance was you.” Again I released another sigh before saying,
“See, was that so hard to say?” My response obviously amused him, making him smirk and reply,
“I am just happy that we’re doing this without you shooting another pilot and flying the damn plane.”
I scoffed at this. “Yes, well after riding a demented Harpy like a damn glider, let’s just say I’ve been put off air travel for quite a while.” At this, he started coughing, which alarmingly sounded like he was choking.
“Come… come again?” I shook my head quickly and we both ended up speaking at the same time…
“You don’t want to know.”
“I don’t want to know.”
* * *
Shortly after thisand gaining the assurances I had needed from Lucius that all would be fine, we came into land. And just like last time, there were people to meet us at the airfield. My father’s welcome party. However, unlike last time, the Viking we found there was a little less cold toward my vampire companion. Of course, after running into his open arms and failing to make it all the way around the big beast, I pulled back this time to give him a teasing grin.
“Nice sweater, Ragnar, please tell me it lights up.” At this he groaned and for the second time today, my comment this was echoed by another, as we both said who the culprit was at the same time…
“My mother.”
“Your mother.”
You see the thing about my mother was that around this time of year, she got a little Christmas crazy. Hence why poor Ragnar was now wearing a Gods awful sweater with little knitted gothic Christmas trees and drunken Santas. One that didn’t light up, but it sure as shit did sing when he pressed a hidden button, making me howl with laughter.
But that was my mum for you. Ever since I had been born my dad told me he didn’t know what happened, but it was as if someone had flipped a switch and BOOM, she was then forever known to all as the Christmas menace. But then, perhaps that’s what happened when you had kids, you went bat shit crazy and spent half your time on Pinterest just looking for that perfect Christmas craft idea. Or the very best sugar cookie recipe, so that by the time the day comes, your kid is covered in glitter and doped up on so much sugar, they literally pass out after the presents… but hey, at least you can find them easily, what with all their sparkling skin.
Literally every Williams’ family tradition was pulled out of the stocking and thrust upon us all. Of course, being a big fan of Christmas myself, there was very little complaint from my side. Even if I was now sounding a bit like a Scrooge. In all honesty, I think it was more because I was worried about Lucius and what he would think of it all. But usually I enjoyed the fun and embraced my mother’s crazy side, even going so far as to encourage it. Especially given the joy at seeing my father being forced to wear a Christmas hat and read aloud quite possibly the worst jokes in history from spilled guts of paper crackers.
But Christmas for my mother was also incredibly special and because of that, the amount of traditions, that yes quite possibly were boarding along the lines of insanity, was basically my mum keeping that part of her humanity alive.
So of course, I was worried about Lucius. I was worried about what he would think of it all. I was also hoping he would embrace it, if only to indulge me further. But just in case…
I had packed the Santa’s hat.