Page 57 of Knights of Past
“No, they weren’t, I’m just not that good at icing the faces, so they looked a bit...”
“Demonic?” Sophia provided, making my mum scowl.
“I was going to say surly.” I snorted a laugh at this as the men had started to walk slowly inside, as if at any minute, we would make them do a dance off or something. As for Lucius, he sat down next to me and I put and arm around the elf and said,
“Lucius, this is Nathaniel…I know, right, fancy name… Nathaniel, this is Lucius…my husband. Sorry, but I did say I was taken,”I had whispered to my new friend, making Lucius throw his head back and laugh. However, this was seconds before he took one look at me, then must have made a quick decision, as I was soon being pulled from the couch with my hands in his.
“Sorry, Nathaniel, but it’s time I get my drunken little wife to bed. Come on, up you get, Sweetheart,” he said, making me moan,
“But wait, you haven’t had a headless Gingerbread man yet… oh wait, I still have this one,” I said, holding it out to him and making him take a big bite with a grin.
“Yummy,”he had mocked, making me giggle before I was up in his arms, and he was telling everyone goodnight. Then as I looked over his shoulder as he made his way to the door, I saw Ragnar devouring the food table, before informing us it was time he went back to his own Fated. Zagan was dancing with Sophia and was wearing the Elf hat. Adam was carrying Pip over his shoulder with the lucky elf tucked under his arm, (something I didn’t want to know about).
And as for my parents, they were slow dancing in the middle of the room like they were the only two people in the whole world.
A sight that had made me sigh before whispering to Lucius,
“And now it’s Christmas.”
Thankfully I had been saved from drinking anymore as Lucius took us both to bed. Although when walking in my room I didn’t know what he shook his head at, being back in my Geek room or the fact that my mum had laid out two Christmas sweaters for us to wear. She even made them look like they were holding hands, making me say,
“Aww cute, look, they are in love just like us.” He had chuckled at this before dropping me on the bed with a bounce and teased,
“Amelia, how could you? You just crushed their love.” I giggled at this and then I twirled a piece of my hair before asking,
“Wanna crush them with me?”
“Fuck yeah!” After this, we crushed them good.
Although I think that Lucius was getting way too much of a kick out of knowing we’d had sex on top of something I was being made to wear for Christmas day. In fact, I know it was the only reason he was wearing his, something admittedly I was shocked to see him do. Or maybe that was the reason he did it, as the sight of my mouth dropping when seeing him put it on was one he soon looked smug about. Mine was naturally Star Trek themed, as it looked like the red uniform with the classic collection of ships in rows with the words, Trek the Halls at the top. As for Lucius’s, even he rolled his eyes as it was rows of knitted fangs, bats, coffins, and gravestones with the words, ‘have yourself a bloody little Christmas.’
“It has to be said that your mother has a strange sense of humour,” he had said on the way to the dining room, and looking at the both of us, I couldn’t help but smile and agree,
“Yep, she sure does.”
As for my mum, she was now cradling the biggest mug of tea to her chest like it was her miracle cure, and I had to laugh when my dad brought her over a chocolate sprinkled croissant, kissing the top of her head and telling her to eat as it would soak up the alcohol. He then winked at me before going back to get his own from the table where the breakfast had been laid out.
Lucius met my father there and they each took one look at what the other was wearing, my dad in a Grinch sweater and now I knew why. It also warmed my heart when my dad slapped Lucius on the back and said,
“Welcome to the family… oh and I find she usually lets you take it off after dinner.”
“Only after the family photos have been taken!” My mum added before taking a huge bite of her buttery goodness, something I started to eye with envy. Well, that was until Lucius brought over my own delicious beauty.
“God, you are such a weird child,” my mum joked as she always did when seeing me eat crispy bacon with my chocolate doughnuts.
“Yeah, but it’s the maple kind… MMM,” I said, taking a huge bite and making her scrunch up her nose in a cute way.
After breakfast, we then found ourselves, all sitting around the biggest tree. As we were making space to accommodate everyone, Lucius and I opted to sit on the floor with his back to Chesterfield foot stool, and me tucked in between his legs with my back to his chest.
Pip and I then played Santa’s little helpers as we were the ones who picked the gifts out and delivered them to the right people. I had a pile next to me, everything from bird books, tons of geek stuff and of course, funny T-shirts. But when it came time to exchange gifts between Lucius and I, well I started squealing when opening the very Lego set I had mentioned to my dad last night!
“And you thought I wasn’t paying attention,”he muttered in my ear when I threw myself at him. Of course, he was referring to the long list I had reeled off months ago, when I had been dusting my geek shelves. In fact, after I had opened my gifts from him, I had enough Lego sets to last me half the year as it looked like he had bought half a shop!
As for my gifts for him, I had of course added in some joke ones, like the flying lessons I had gotten him, mouthing,
‘Just in case.’
Thankfully, he laughed about it. This was before he started sounding pretty excited by the idea. This then led into a conversation with my dad as he had been flying his own planes for years. Another present from me was dance lessons, even though we didn’t really need them as we managed just fine. As well, thankfully Lucius could dance and I could follow. But it was more symbolic, which was why I was most excited about this last one, knowing that no one would know what it meant other than just the two of us.