Page 7 of Captured By Chaos
“I lost count after five,” she mumbled.
“Alright, then,” I sighed; I could tell she was about to hit her low point of the night, and it was probably best to get her out. “Chug that water and then I’m taking you back to Compound and into Greyson’s care.”
“He can’t see me like this!” Her eyes went wide. “He’ll be so disappointed in me.”
“He’s been your Gamma partner for five years now, I doubt he will be surprised.” I actually had very little doubt. Greyson was the other Gamma assigned under Logan and was extremely perceptive. Somehow, his quiet nature meshed well with Eden’s wildness, making them productive Gamma partners and best friends. “Drink up.”
“My lectra…”
“Is chained up and will be safe overnight,” I said, forcing the glass back to her lips. “You and Grey can drive back to town tomorrow morning and pick it up.”
She downed the rest of her water, turning back to me. “I have to pee before we leave.”
“Alright,” I said, standing to help her to the back.
“No, no.” She stopped me, her hands on my shoulders haphazardly pushing me back down into my chair. “I may be a drunk mess, but I can get myself to the washroom alone. We’re close, but not that close.”
“You sure?”
“I’ll be fine!” She waved to me over her shoulder as she pushed her way through the crowd; my stomach twisted as she disappeared from my sight. I sighed, turning back to look forward at the bar.
“You’re a good friend,” a deep voice whispered to me.
“Excuse me?” I turned in my chair, my throat drying as I stared into the most intoxicating green eyes I’d ever seen. They were like the forest, but with a lush brightness that reminded me of the way leaves sparkled when the sunlight filtered through them.
They were eyes you could get lost in for hours.
“You’re a good friend for taking care of her.” He tipped his glass in the direction Eden had disappeared, regaining my attention. “You don’t always find that kind of loyalty in people.”
I took in a deep breath, pulling in the addicting scent of cinnamon and citrus that surrounded him, with that hidden underbite of nature subtly mixed within, marking him as a Varg Anwyn as well. Heat pooled in my stomach, my heart fluttering a million miles a second. What was happening to me?
I shook my head, trying to form a coherent sentence, which felt impossible in the moment. “I, uh,…thank you?”
“So, is this your favorite tavern? It seems like the most popular one,” he said, a few strands of his chocolate brown hair falling against his forehead as he took a sip of his ale.
“It’s my favorite personally.” I squirmed in my seat, my hands fidgeting in my lap. “Come here a lot with my friends. Are you passing through?”
“Just moved here.” He smiled, dimples peeking out. “Seems like a great area, though.”
“I like it.” I gave him a weak half-smile before turning to look ahead again; yet I could still feel his lingering gaze on me, burning into my side, my shoulders tensing under the attention.
Sweat beaded along my forehead. I was thankful that the bar was so packed, so it didn’t give away how nervous I was to be talking to this handsome stranger. It had been a long time since I’d found myself nervous around a man, and over a year since I was in my last romantic relationship. Apparently, in that time I’d forgotten how to act around men I found attractive. Wonderful.
Finally, Eden returned, throwing her arm around my shoulders. “I’m ready to go now!”
Thank the Goddess.
“Alright, let’s go.” I stood up a little too quickly, adjusting her hold so I could loop my arm around her tapered waist for better stability. I turned back to the man next to me. “Um, well, nice to meet you.”
“Hope to see you around.” He gave me a quick wink. “Good luck with the rest of your night.”
“Who was that?” Eden asked as we walked toward the exit.
“Just some guy who started talking to me.” I shook my head, trying to clear my fogged brain of the memory of his beautiful eyes and luscious scent that had made me a bumbling idiot.
Somehow, after a lot of coercing, I was able to get the two of us on my cycle, Eden wrapping her arms around my waist and resting her cheek on my shoulder, wetness seeping through the thin fabric of my tunic. I turned my head, finally seeing a stream of silent tears falling from her eyes.