Page 95 of Inked Beauty
No, that wasn’t it.
Love had cured him.
He wasn’t certain he’d ever admit it out loud, but in his heart, he knew it to be the case.
How that related to whatever had happened to him while he was with the Siabhra, he didn’t know, except that he’d been so painfully alone in that horrid place, and he wasn’t alone anymore.
He loved both Lauren and Nick, and would do whatever he fucking had to do to keep them in his life and happy. Whether it was his own subconscious that needed to know it, or whether the vampire magic that kept him alive was sentient enough to understand, Gavin didn’t know, but it had to be one or the other. Either way, he woke up with only the normal pain of rising from the dead, and he wanted to kiss both Nick and Lauren all over again in thanks for them being in his life.
Queenie’s voice came into his head, telepathically giving him a concise rundown of the events that had happened while he was dead to the world, and Gavin rose and went straight to Lauren, who was in the sitting room near his daytime resting spot, waiting for him.
Gavin went through the minds of both Ioana and Dante while Lauren explained the situation to him, so as soon as she finished her story, he told her, “It’s kind of fucked up. Mikael recognized his pet was attracted to Dante, and told her he’d try to work something out with Becca and Kendric so the two slaves could spend time together. Mikael didn’t intend them to fuck, but he wasn’t clear on the parameters with his pet. When Dante came to her, she thought it was because her Master had told him to.”
Lauren sat back with a grimace. “So she thought Dante had permission, and Dante picked up on her willingness as consent?”
“Yes. As Nick so often reminds you, conversation is important. Scent doesn’t always tell the correct tale.”
“I have the idea that Mikael speaks to his pet in her native tongue, and she doesn’t understand much English. It’s a way of keeping her a pet — restricting her ability to communicate.”
“Exactly, but she has some rote sentences to say in English when she needs to apprise someone of her situation, and she didn’t use them. If she had, Dante would almost certainly have backed off.” He sighed. “It wasn’t rape by your definition, but Dante absolutely didnothave permission to have sex with Mikael’s slave. Kendric has worked out a monetary recompense so there isn’t a problem between the Alabama and Florida coteries, and everyone is agreeing I can handle Dante’s punishment.” Gavin sighed. “Mikael was turned before the parts of the brain that make good choices was formed. Somehow, Brooke manages to do so despite the child’s brain she was stuck with, but Mikael needs some overseeing. It would not be safe for him to punish Dante. Becca cares too much about her favorite slave for us to risk it.” He grinned. “Besides, I’m looking forward to watching you punish the little leopard.”
“I was supposed to punish someone who enjoys it last night, after the party.”
Gavin shrugged. “You were dreading it, so I won’t set it up again unless you change your mind. I’m Master of the entire state, so there’s almost always someone who needs punishing. If that turns into your kink, I’ll be able to provide enough people to keep you happy.”
Lauren grinned. “What, you’ll have the other cities in Nevada send their naughty humans and shapeshifters here?”
“And vampires, where appropriate.”
Lauren tilted her head. “Having the Master’s pet human punish them, rather than the Master himself, would be an extra punishment.”
“My people are beginning to understand you are no one’s pet. We’ll run the kingdom of Nevada together, the three of us.” He shrugged. “But yes, being punished by a human rather than a vampire will be seen as an added insult.” He kissed her forehead. “I’m told the little leopard has cried himself out and is primed for punishment — aching all over with no relief. Have you come up with an outline of how you want things to go?”
“Cane to the front of his thighs before we take him off the wall. A half dozen-ish stripes with an inch or so between. Let him down and make him crawl to the fucking-station. I’ve never double-fisted someone, and I’d like the chance to try. While I open him up from behind, you and Nick can take turns fucking his face and torturing whatever else you can get to.
“We’ll put him on the station with knee rests, so his feet are available. I’m in the mood for some bastinado — the little bitch won’t walk for two weeks when I finish with his feet. Or until he’s allowed tochange, but I have a feeling Becca will keep him in human form and make him heal the old-fashioned way.”
Chapter 52
Lauren remained clothed while they worked the little leopard over. She didn’t hurt him as badly as Gavin, who made the poor man scream until his voice was nearly gone. If he’d meant to rape Ioana, Lauren could’ve gotten into hurting him more, but part of her felt sorry for him. Still, he’d known he didn’t have permission, so he had to be punished, and his screams seemed to have a direct line to her clit, so it throbbed and pulsed with every scream Gavin tore from the tortured leopard’s throat.
And Lauren had quite enjoyed the feeling of having both her hands all the way into the small man’s ass, up to her forearms, and then pulling them apart, watching the skin stretch while the poor little shifter screamed and begged for mercy.
Three hours after they began, Gavin broke the slave’s kneecaps with a steel cane, attached a leash to his collar, and ordered one of the dungeon guards to walk him back to his Mistress. The bottoms of Dante’s feet were a horrible mess after being caned, and now with his kneecaps broken, crawling back to his Mistress was going to be an excruciating, horrifying ordeal — one hundred yards down this hallway, up the elevator, and then another sixty or so yards down another hallway. Becca and Kendric were in a vampire suite, so no humans would see him being walked, but others likely would.
She watched Dante struggle to crawl, tears flowing from his eyes, and then the door closed behind them once they reached the hallway.
And then Gavin spun her around and she met the vampire’s gaze — dark with desire.
She gripped his arms and his mouth captured hers. Lauren’s arms went around the solid coolness of him, and then she had Nick’s heat at her back, his mouth on the side of her neck just below her ear while Gavin kissed her as if there was no tomorrow.
Once, she’d have frozen and declared it was too much, but Lauren relaxed into their arms and let them pleasure her. She ran her fingers through Gavin’s hair and the kiss grew rough. Nick’s mouth sucked at her neck and then his hands ran down her arms, back up them, under them, around her rib cage, and his fingers found her nipples. She gasped and then groaned, and felt when Gavin’s levitation kicked in, moving them all three together, but she couldn’t focus on that. She couldn’t focus on any one thing, but it was okay. Four hands. Two mouths. Doors opened and closed, and her feet finally touched the floor.
Gavin’s hands tugged her shirt up and off, and he ran his hands into the back of her jeans, cupping her butt, pulling her cheeks apart so her asshole would’ve been exposed if she’d been nude.
They were in a room with luxurious deep tan and ecru fabrics draped on the walls, and sheer ecru lacy material swathing the corners of a massive canopy bed showing off gorgeous carved wood with a leather padded headboard. She only had a few moments to look while four impatient hands effectively disrobed her, one man ripping her bra off while another pulled at her jeans and panties, peeling them off her hips and legs, and then warm hands noisily ripped away the Velcro of her belly band and tossed the garment to the floor. There were still knives in it, and mags, but she didn’t hear it hit the hard floor so she assumed it landed somewhere safe.
And then she and Gavin were on the bed, both naked, while Nick finished removing his boots and jeans and climbed on to join them.