Page 5 of Calming the Storm
"Hmm. Isn't that the fifth one today?" he asked.
"Yes," Malachi replied. "I'm gonna be broke if I have to pay for the replacements."
I watched Malachi jog over to the burning remains of the fifth punching bag I’d destroyed in the last three hours.
He cast a spell that poured a pool of water onto the burning blaze, putting it out.
I frowned and met Haru's mismatched gold and orange eyes that were filled with sympathy.
"You're allowed to be mad, Crimson,” he revealed.
"I'm not mad," I denied as Malachi came walking back.
He tried to glide his hands through his hair but then clearly realized his black strands were in cornrows.
The action made me smile and my stoic expression softened. He noticed my stare, and I could see the slight blush that appeared on his cheeks.
"Don't be mad, Crimson," Malachi urged.
"I don't get why both of you are saying I'm mad. Do I look mad?" I questioned.
Malachi and Haru both exchanged looks before they answered together. "Yes."
"Why?" I questioned.
Malachi looked at Haru, who had a small smile on his face. "When you're mad or distracted, you speak in Japanese without even realizing it,” he acknowledged.
I blinked, then tried to argue his statement. "Do not."
"See. Didn't even notice. Fourth time in three hours too," Malachi stated to Haru, who nodded.
"You know what? Let's do something else to waste time, seeing as we don't know how long the others are going to be," I whined, walking over to the mats to prepare to do some kick- boxing movements, followed by some yoga to calm my nerves.
I didn't want to admit I was upset, but I was struggling to keep my cool.
"Crimson. You're supposed to be on bed rest. I'm only letting you blow off some steam because I was afraid you'd destroy your room otherwise," Malachi pointed out.
I got into my fighting stance, narrowing my eyes at Malachi who sighed dramatically, knowing I wasn't going to take his words to heart. He quickly went into his stance.
Just like that, we were throwing punches and kicks while dodging each other's blows. "Crimson, you need a moment to vent. Acting like everything is okay won't solve anything. Keeping your emotions in is bad for you!" Malachi huffed.
I grinned at his words as we continued our fight, Malachi blocking my quick blows and getting very little chance to counter-attack.
During my bed rest, I'd been studying a bunch of fighting styles and was now getting the opportunity to put them to the test. I was thrilled to release some of this pent-up energy.
I heard the door of the training room open and my eyes locked on to Yoshi's blue ones; the simple look reignited my anger.
Couldn't even fucking tell me!
I returned my attention to Malachi, aiming to kick his stomach but my leg wasn't high enough, and I ended up kicking him right in the balls.
"AH!" Malachi exclaimed, grabbing his crotch before he fell on his side and cursed.
"MAN DOWN! Man fucking down!"
I heard Haru snicker as he closed the book in his hands. His shoulders shook before he started laughing his head off.
"Stop laughing dammit! Where's Yoshi?! This is his fucking fault. AHH...MY BALLS! What if I can't have proper sex again, Crimson?" he cried, which only made me snicker.