Page 72 of Calming the Storm
"Because it's now or never, Crimson. This is the only chance I'll give you to kill me. This is your chance to exact your revenge for the horrible ex-boyfriend I was. The cheating lover who only loved you when I was drunk...and in control of myself...not as the sober man who doesn't get to choose what I want,” he disclosed, tears forming in his eyes.
He walked right up to me, our bodies only inches apart. "Here's your chance, Crimson...but I'll say this." He lifted his hand to brush against my cheek.
"I did love you...maybe I still do, but there are people stronger than any of us, and they are the puppeteers, controlling the rest of us. I need you to think harder. To see everything from all angles, because as of now, you only have peripheral vision, my love, and that will lead you to your death if you don't see the truth behind all the lies and deceit." He ran his hand into the side of my hair, steadying my head.
I knew what he was going to do, seeing his eyes lower to my lips. I needed to avoid all of this, but my body stood its ground as if my thoughts meant nothing.
"I need you to realize who really wants peace. Once you do, everything, and I mean everything, will make sense,” he assured me, his head inching closer and closer until his lips brushed mine.
" can't..."
"Do you still love me, Crimson?" he asked, his half-opened red eyes meeting mine. I swallowed hard as a tear rolled down my cheek.
He smiled.
"I still love you."
And with those four words, he kissed me.
I was frozen in place, unable to think straight.
I should have pushed him away, ignoring those familiar lips that knew exactly how to kiss me.
Yet, I did nothing but stare into his red eyes, with tears rolling down my cheeks.
My Kitsune sat down, still eyeing James carefully, but she didn't react, which left me even more confused.
He was the enemy.
He hated me.
He cheated on me.
He never really loved me...right?
My eyes slowly closed, and I gave up fighting my instincts that were urging me to do something I didn't think I'd ever had the heart to accomplish again.
I kissed him back.
I felt his hand slip into mine, holding it up slightly as we kissed. He placed something warm into my palm and curled my fingers around it.
With one last deep kiss, he pulled away, taking a step back to give us both space as we caught our breaths. I looked down to my hand, wondering what was inside.
"Everything I do, Crimson, will make sense one day. Maybe not tomorrow...or the next. But it will. All I need you to do is survive. I need you to put the pieces together and see the true puppeteer in this game. Maybe it is me...or my Master. Maybe the Emperor, or maybe even one of your men. Who knows?" He shrugged, looking around.
I followed his gaze and noticed the cherry blossom walls were slowly coming down since the anger I once had was beginning to dissipate.
"You've always let your instincts guide you. Let them help you see the truth. Farewell, Crimson...and if we do see each other again...don't hesitate to kill me, because I won't be in the position to let you live anymore,” he confessed sadly, a tear rolling down his cheek.
He turned around, putting his hands in his pocket before whispering,
"I'll always love you."
I watched him walk away, entering the woods as the final cherry blossoms fell to the ground.
"Fuck..." I whispered, letting my tears of frustration roll down my cheeks as I took a shaky breath.
I opened my hand and saw a tiny piece of paper.