Page 88 of Calming the Storm
"Hotaka Jiyuna, I love Crimson. My Kitsune loves her. That’s not going to change in a month, or a year, or 100 years from now. I know what will happen and would rather pledge my life to her than watch her die. Please, let's not delay this any longer," Aki begged.
I was drifting, struggling so hard to fight the pull of darkness, but I was losing the battle.
"When we head back and Crimson is stable, we all need to talk," Father declared.
"No. This is an unavoidable conversation. I know what happened in that dungeon just from one look at my daughter. With that in mind, I need to know if you'll stay by my daughter’s side or not."
"Why wouldn't we?" Quil asked, sounding offended.
"Crimson won't be the same. She's not going to be all happy and bounce back to how she was. She isn't going to recover in a few days, or a few weeks for that matter. I can't tell whether Erica made it easy for us to find her on purpose, or if she was just really stupid and didn’t sense the magic tracker on Crimson's hair ornament. Either way, Crimson won't be the same woman you guys loved. So I'll need all of you to decide whether you want to stay or go. I won't let you change your mind once you've made your decision."
It took everything in my being to force myself to stay awake just a bit longer, longing to hear what the guys would say.
Of course they would leave. I'm damaged. Broken toys are always discarded.
"We don't need a lecture. I'm in," Aki declared.
"I'm not going anywhere," Yoshi agreed.
"Hottie just needs some TLC. We can give her that and then she'll become more sizzling hot than before. I won't leave her," Malachi vowed.
"People can chop down a tree, but as long as the roots are in the ground, it can grow once again. All it needs is water and proper care. I won't be leaving her side," Haru announced.
"Crimson accepted us. Even with our flaws and broken hearts. It's about time we returned the favor. I won't be leaving," Quil said seriously.
"We love Crimson. She's dealt with so much, yet she still opened her home to us when no one else would. She loved us when everyone wanted to discard us. We were broken, damaged people, yet she took us in and fixed us. I don't care if Crimson isn't the same. We'll take her in and love her, just like she did with us weeks ago. I'm in," Itsuki promised.
Father was silent for a long moment, and I lost the battle I was fighting, my mind beginning to be consumed by the darkness that desperately wanted to claim me.
I heard Father's last words just before the dark abyss swallowed me whole.
"Then be ready to calm the storm that will brew within her...and be prepared to face it."
Karma And Hidden Love
"I wonder why I even decided to meet you here? Rather insulting that the man who killed my love is now standing at her grave as if he's paying his respects."
I looked over my shoulder at Erica whose face was filled with anger. Turning back to face the tombstone, I stared at the multiple flowers and notes of love from the villagers far and wide. People who knew the fake Storm.
"If you want to kill me, go ahead. My life is pretty shitty to begin with," I replied coldly, not caring about her pettiness.
"You brought the new contract."
"Yes. The one where it states that all the assets go to you. Once you sign on the dotted line, your office will be ready by tomorrow morning," I explained.
"The one thing you're useful for," Erica huffed. I turned to face her, not bothering to hide my distaste for her.
"I don't serve you."
"You will soon. Your 'Master' has a soft spot for me, and if I want to have you wrapped around my finger, I can," she threatened.
I looked at the marks on her neck and rolled my eyes.