Page 87 of Meet the Surrogate
Boone helped me and stood behind me with his arms wrapped around me and his erection pressed into my back. “Now you’re in trouble, love.”
I stared up at Boone and lifted my chin. “Give it your best.”
Remy’s dark laughter made me think I’d made a misstep in challenging him. He pulled a mask from behind his back and held it over his face. It was the mask from Phantom of the Opera and it immediately turned up the heat around us. He held out another that was a soft white masquerade mask with large white feathers and small dangling pearls to accent the edges.
It was beautiful and I wanted it on as fast as possible. “What are these for?”
Wells stepped out of the house in his own black leather mask covering the top half of his face. “Did you think we flew you all the way here just for the beach?”
I nodded. “Um, yeah. Have you seen it? This is the most beautiful place I’ve ever been.”
“There’s something else here, M.” Remy stepped closer and pulled the white mask over my face. It fit like it was made for me. “There’s a club for people with…darker needs. It’s something I would like to show you, if you’re willing.”
My pulse quickened. “Like a sex club?”
He smiled. “Something like that. There’s more to it than sex for a lot of people. For others, it’s purely about getting off.”
“And for us?”
He put his own mask on and stared down at me with the stern expression he wore when he was Sir. “For us, it depends on how much you trust us.”
“You know I trust you completely.” I swallowed and looked down at my growing belly. “I’m not sure pregnant women are supposed to go to sex clubs.”
Boone hummed in agreement. “Yeah, I did see the sign that said that, but I think they might make an exception for us.”
I gently elbowed him. “I’m not sure I look the part.”
Remy lifted my face. “And that’s the main reason we’re going. Some punishments are going to push you. This will probably be one of them.”
I pouted. “Why am I being punished?”
“For the amount of times you’ve put yourself down, sweetheart. You’ve been cruel to yourself. We’re going to show you what we see when we look at you, when we fuck you.” He tapped my lips. “And we’re going to do it in a way that leaves no doubt in this pretty head of yours just how much we want you and how attracted we are to you.”
My mouth watered, but my brain was screaming out that he was wrong. Being pregnant didn’t suit me. I had to stop myself from blurting those things out as I listened to him talk about me like I was the most beautiful woman in the world. “Okay.”
His mouth lifted in a hungry grin. “We’ll help you get ready.”
Getting ready had consisted of them edging me all afternoon, until I wanted to murder them. My body had never felt so on edge and I couldn’t tell if I was close to an orgasm or death.
They had me wear a pretty white dress that matched my mask and white flats that were comfortable for my feet. When I’d asked for the underwear, I’d received three smiles that could’ve started a forest fire. Besides feeling insanely exposed without my panties, they’d made sure the outfit was comfortable for me and I loved them even more for it.
They’d all three dressed in full black suits that made me want to strip them naked and have my way with them. When they added the masks, I nearly cried from how badly I needed relief. They were beautiful and mysterious. I felt a little like the easter bunny next to them. I didn’t share that thought, though.
My nerves started to fray the closer we got to the club. I didn’t know what to expect and I wasn’t sure if I’d be welcomed. I held onto Remy’s hand so tight that I worried I might be hurting him, but as we drove through a large gate and parked in the circle drive of a beautiful mansion, I was too distracted to worry about his hand.
“This is not what I was expecting.”
Wells took my other hand. “Don’t worry. The inside will meet all the stereotypes you’ve read about.”
“How do you know I read about sex clubs?”
He pulled me into his side and lowered his voice. “It was a hunch when you suggested fucking all three of us at the same time.”
I gasped and slapped his arm. “Wells! You’re not supposed to bring up a lady’s indiscretions like that.”
Boone slapped my ass. “When you see a lady, let me know.”
I looked up at Remy and frowned. “Maybe we should leave them in the car?”