Page 9 of Meet the Surrogate
Thebedfeltlikea cloud. Looks hadn’t deceived. I stared up at the canopy and sighed happily. Two nights before, I’d been staring up at the water stained ceiling of the trailer I rented in Benny Poole’s trailer park. It was the same trailer my momma had rented before she’d passed and it was the trailer I’d always just assumed I’d die in, too. Like mother, like daughter. Even if I wanted to change,desperately, life had proven insolent before my meeting with the Hawke brothers.
The Hawke brothers. I sighed again and rolled onto my side. My eyes landed on the small cardboard box I’d packed last minute. My suitcase had everything I owned that was nice enough to bring to Chicago and it’d still had space when I finished packing. Grabbing the small box that held Jeremy, my battery operated boyfriend, had been a last second decision that I was suddenly grateful for. Reaching out for it, I grabbed it and took Jeremy out.
Moving onto my back, I closed my eyes and let the fantasy that had been building in my head since I’d first spotted the Hawke brothers take over. Remington was intimidating and he had an energy I couldn’t understand. Wells was almost aloof. Boone, however…he was easiest to conjure into my imagination. With his easy smiles and flirty attitude, he felt safer than his brothers.
I rested my hands on my stomach and thought of the way Boone’s dark blue eyes flashed as he joked. I liked the way he kept his beard and imagined how it would feel if he ran his mouth down my chest. A little rough, I was sure, but his mouth looked soft enough to soothe any sting. The Boone of my imagination was a breast man and he took his time teasing me. I slid my hands under my shirt and cupped my breasts, pinching my nipples the way I liked with Boone’s face in my mind.
Losing myself, I imagined Boone coming up the stairs and finding me the way I was, wantonly stroking my nipples and whispering his name. I could almost see his tall frame filling the doorway, his broad shoulders flexing as he reached up and yanked his own shirt off. He’d stalk closer and plant one knee on the bed, pausing to stare down at me.
I would’ve tried to scramble away, embarrassed to be caught that way, but Boone would catch my ankle and jerk me down the bed to him. My breath quickened as I grabbed my toy and pushed it inside my panties. The vibrations started just as fantasy Boone spread my legs wide and ran his fingers through my wetness. He would push his fingers into me and curl them high while his thumb rolled over my clit with dangerous precision, all while slowly stroking himself through his pants.
My body stiffened and I came hard, faster than I ever had before. I yanked Jeremy out of my panties and shoved him away, a sense of shame washing over me. I dropped my arm over my eyes and groaned. What was wrong with me? I’d just masturbated to the idea of a man I met that morning. I was going to be living next door to him. Getting off to fantasies of him would make that uncomfortable.
I groaned again and rolled onto my side, away from Jeremy. The weight of the situation hit me with the thought of how I was going to pull off being a classy woman from money when I was diddling my fiddle on night one of the job. I was never going to be able to pull it off. They were expecting a woman from the Ivy league, but they were getting the Trailer Park Princess.
With that name ringing around my head like a dumbbell, I pulled the heavenly pillow over my head and let out a frustrated scream. I was going to fail so hard, I just knew it.
Faint sounds from somewhere around me woke me up and I sat up, feeling disoriented. After a life of waking up in the same place, it took me a moment to remember where I was and to realize that I should’ve been alone but wasn’t. A surge of panic hit me when I heard a drawer slide open downstairs. Someone was in the house.
I silently shifted to the side of the bed, my hand hitting Jeremy and latching onto him as I quietly stood up. I figured he’d be the only thing I was comfortable using as a weapon in the house, anyway. No way was I breaking anything that wasn’t mine in the perfect little home. I tip-toed down the stairs, my body preparing for a fight. No way was I dying easy after one night in my dream home.
When I got to the bottom step, I took a deep breath and decided to just go on the attack. Gripping Jeremy tight, I ran out and let out a war cry. Multiple things happened at once, all of them terrible. I saw that the person I was screaming at was a cute, tiny woman holding a vacuum cleaner. The vacuum cleaner was plugged in and I tripped over it, hard. My body didn’t want to fall, however, so I stumbled several feet, all while the woman stared in horror, hands reaching out like she was going to catch me. When I finally went down, Jeremy went flying as I attempted to save my face from the hardwood floor.
“Oh, my god! Are you okay?” The woman dropped the vacuum and covered her mouth with her hands. The rest of her words trailed off as she looked up, past me, and her eyes went wide. “Mr. Hawke.”
I jerked my eyes up towards the front door and saw that it was indeed open and that Remington was indeed standing in the doorway, his eyes on me. I’d knocked the wind out of myself, but that didn’t stop me from forcing a smile and a wheezy ‘good morning’.
“I’m just going to…yep, here we go.” The vacuuming burglar, who I was realizing wasn’t a burglar at all, gently covered me in a throw and then offered me her hand while whispered. “Your whole back end was showing. I didn’t know if you wanted Mr. Hawke to see that. I can uncover you, if you’d like.”
I sputtered out a negative in shock and let her help me to my feet, where I quickly wrapped the throw around my waist. Day two of being the classy surrogate the Hawkes wanted and I’d already flashed the man my ass. I knew for a fact the panties I had on did nothing to hide my butt. I barely resisted the urge to smack my hand to my forehead.
I looked back at Remington, but my eyes snagged on Jeremy. My hot pink battery operated boyfriend was sitting less than six inches from the front of Remington’s shoes. My already hot face turned scalding and I figured I looked like a fully ripened tomato. One glance up at his face told me everything I needed to know, too. Not only had he seen it, he was still looking at it.
“We’re having lunch at the main house at eleven. Will you join us?” His deep voice gave away nothing of what he was thinking. He was as level as if I’d accidentally thrown a napkin at him.
My own voice was squeaky as I answered. “Yes. Sure. I’d like that.”
Then, like he wanted me to die of embarrassment, Remington bent over and palmed Jeremy. I watched his fingers flex over the pink silicon before he closed the space between us and held it out to me. “What exactly did you plan on doing with this, Memphis?”
His scent, clean and citrusy tingled my senses and I wanted to swoon at the feeling of being the focus of his glacier blue eyes. He was teasing me, or at least I thought he was.
I took Jeremy from him and hid him inside my blanket skirt. “At least you know now that in the case of a robbery, I won’t break any of your things.”
His eyes moved over my face like he was committing every bit to memory. “Just yourself and your toys.”
I looked down, his gaze too intense to hold. “I’m okay. Good as new.”
“Good.” He touched my chin with the tip of his finger and waited until I met his gaze to continue. “When you get the card today, be sure to get yourself some new toys. Maybe something a little bigger.”
My mouth must’ve been on the ground. I waited for him to crack a smile or laugh, but he did neither and I realized he was serious.
“We’ll see you at lunch, Memphis.” He moved back to the door like he hadn’t just touched me or suggested I buy new sex toys. “Don’t be late.”
He left the door open behind him and as the breeze filled the space around me, cooling me off slightly, I swore under my breath as I noticed the scent that surrounded the house was all Remington. Citrusy and fresh, it was like the man had bottled nature around my perfect little temporary home and wore it as cologne.