Page 11 of Burn Baby Burnt
Not because she was beautiful and flirtatious. Because she was funny, easy to talk to and smart. She was determined, proud of what she liked and could make anyone laugh. She could devour a three-layer cake by herself as long as it was chocolate and cried like a baby during almost every movie she watched. She had a personality. An identity. I envied her for it.
We became close over that year. Eating every dinner together, watching movies on the weekends, playing board games and just existing in the same space.
I’d never planned to bring her into my world. I wanted her to find someone who could give her everything she needed. And I knew I didn’t have the ability to.
I swore it couldn’t be different, until it was.
Until I’d cleaned her up, tucked her cute sleepy face into bed, and slipped out of her room to freak out. I called Gio, recounting probably too many details.
“Jasper, bud, are you done overthinking now?” he sighed, chuckling at me from thousands of miles away.
I grimaced. “What am I supposed to do? I want to go back there andhold her. What the fuck is wrong with me?”
“I think you mean, what the fuck isrightwith you.”
“This is not funny.”
“No, it’s hilarious actually.”
“I’m going to hang up on you.”
“Good. Go cuddle your little pretty redhead.Eighteenth Birthday present. You let an eighteen-year-old flower lover seduce you like a sucker. Let me know when the wedding is. I’m expecting the best man position, you know?”
“Sometimes I hate you,” I grumbled.
His rough laugh echoed through my speaker. “I’m just fucking with you. Age is but a number, man. It’s just 14 years. Who’s to say that it’s wrong?”
“I don’t care what people think. I care that she deserves more.”
“And that’s exactly why youareright for her. A man who knows the woman he wants is deserving of everything the world can give her, that’s the kind of man who tries like fuck to provide every want, need and desire. That’s being worthy.”
“When did you get wise regardingrelationships?”
He chuckled. Gio had never been in a relationship before and he was only six years younger than me. “Lorenzo’s papa is a husband first and a man second. We all are when we meet the right woman. You’ll see. Now go wrap your arms around her and stay put until the sun rises.”
“I’ll try.”
“It won’t be hard,” he promised.
And it wasn’t.
Looking at my beautiful red-headed Dixie, I was lost in the memories of the last three months and the blueness of her eyes. I couldn’t believe I’d ever been with anyone besides her. If I’d known that I had to wait until I was 32to meet her, I would have. I would have waited so that she could be the only woman I ever touched. She was already the only one who meant more than getting off. Dixie was everything and it only took a night with her body pressed against mine, surrounded by the soft sounds of her breath as she slept to prove it. She made my heart beat harder and my dick solid at the mere sight of her gorgeous face. Oh and that laugh. Her giggle sent shivers down my spine,every single time.
I hadn’t been so horny since college, when I preferred taking care of the problem on my own. Masturbation became a thing of the past quickly with her around. She was a needy little thing, always tempting me to get my mouth on her, not that I was complaining.
She was naughty too, considering when I offered to break things off with her mother the first morning she bit her lip and said it was ‘kind of hot’ sneaking around. Of course, I’d already explained that I hadn’t and wouldn’t be touching Anne either way.
And I had to agree. It was definitely arousing, sneaking around with her, playing house and hiding away from reality for a bit.
“I’m leaving your mother,” I finally said it out-loud. I finally let her hear the words I’d been dying to say. “These last few months have been beyond belief, but I want you to myself now. No more hiding, dollface. I need you to come with me. I bought an estate nearby, you can finish your classes online there. Come with me, Dixie.”
As nervous as I was, I was surprised to see her eyes glitter with tears. I was about to apologize for pressuring her after only three months of being together. I thought I may have overstepped, but I didn’t. The smile that followed the tears gave me her answer before she even spoke.
“Oh yes! Of course I’ll come with you!” she squeaked, jumping into my arms. “I told you, I’d go anywhere with you! Take me away, let’s go right now.”
And so we did.
I left the arrangement with her terrible excuse for a mother via email and took my Dixie away with me. I moved her and myself an hour away, into a secluded estate with a garden she could make her own. A garden with a fountain of Aphrodite to marvel at. A garden I planned to propose to her in one day.