Page 18 of Burn Baby Burnt
“Oddly enough, that’s what brought her back to me. Dixie was working for a small magazine in Belle City and got assigned the engagement announcement interview.”
“No fucking way.”
“Yep,” I promise.
“And Lilian, she’s still claiming the spawn is yours?”
“Yes, but it’s nearly impossible unless she pulled some sperm-stealing psycho shit. You know I touched her once,protected. Doesn’t matter if it is or isn’t. I have Dixie back. We’ll make it work.”
I can hear him agree with a hum. “Well, I’ll let you get back to your girl. Keep me posted. We’ll have to do dinner. Arianna is going to want to meet her.”
I blink, my mind blanking for a moment. “Holy shit. You did it?”
Gio and Arianna… damn.
“We both did it,” an amused voice chimes in.Luca.
“Back up a minute,” I bristle. “You’re both… withLorenzo’s baby sister?And you’re still breathing?”
Luca’s laugh rings through the speaker. “For now, we’re still breathing fine. When he finds out though… Well, it’s two against one so we might live to tell the tale.”
“Arianna won’t let him hurt you. Princess Vitale always gets her way,” I tell them.
“Don’t I know it,” Gio grumbles. “We’ll plan a night out or something. Show Dixie around Italy. Now go punish your flower girl, my friend.”
Right.“Talk soon.”
“Ci vediamo presto.”We’ll see each other soon.
I make a few more phone calls, canceling the publication of our interviews today, having Dixie’s apartment packed up tonight, and checking in on a few of my businesses before I decide to change out of my Tux. When I make it into our room, the bathroom mirror is fogged up but she’s not present, meaning she’s already ventured to the kitchen. I pull on a pair of gray sweatpants and make my way there too.
Giggling fills the air around me, warming the ice around my heart as I step into one of my favorite rooms here. Dixie is sitting at the counter, wet hair piled on top of her head, swimming in one of my oversized gray shirts while Pam laughs with her. My girl is eating a grilled cheese in between her laughs and I can’t stop myself from pausing to stare at the sight.This could have been mine for three years...
Pam fixes her posture as she notices me. “Would you like anything to eat, sir?”
Nearly four years of employment and she still won’t call me by my first name. It’s always sir or Mr. Aroselyn. Dixie used to joke that she may stop if we told her that Dixie calls me sir while we fuck.
Dixie’s shoulders give away the way she stiffens in her seat at the implication that I’m in the room. It’s cute that she’s anxious, but also a little worrisome.
“No, thank you.”
My girl relaxes a bit, giving me a shy smile. “Pam was telling me that her son acts like a little mime since he went to the carnival last month. He refuses to talk and mirrors everyone he sees.”
Smiling, I shake my head. “I know. He mimics the guards, standing as still as he can next to them for as long as he can.” Pam’s son, Beau, is six and sometimes comes to work with her when she can’t get a sitter. “Gio says hello.”
Dixie gulps. “Gio? He knows I’m back?” I nod and she frowns. “Is he mad at me?”
Planting a kiss on her temples, I shake my head. “No dollface, he’s not mad at you. We’ll go see him soon.”
Her eyes widen comically like they used to. It has and probably always will make me smile when she gets surprised. “In Italy?”
“That’s where he lives, is it not?” I tease.
Her teeth catch her bottom lip, a sweet, nervous little tick she has. “I better brush up on my Italian.”
Using my thumb to slowly pull at her bottom lip, releasing it from her teeth I smile down at my flower girl. “Soon. You have otherthingsto get familiar with again first. Priorities, darling, priorities.”
Dixie blushes, sucking my thumb into her mouth between her plump lips.Good girl. Always such a good girl.