Page 20 of Burn Baby Burnt
“As delicate as flower, as tender as rose petals, choosing to be tender and kind in a harsh environment is not weakness, it's courage.”
? Luffina Lourduraj
Shouting wakes the both of us. Screaming is more like it. High-pitched, frustrated, voice cracking screams of complaint, only I’m far too groggy to understand a word being said. Jasper though, he seems worried. He wakes himself up quickly, telling me to stay where I am, shuffling out of the room.
It’s impossible to get comfortable as voices continue to ring out. And when I finally make out one of the frustrated cries, I’m throwing myself out of bed to plant my ear against the bedroom door.
“How the hell did you even get past security?” Jasper groans loudly, trying his best not to lash out. He’s always been amazing at keeping his temper in check.
One time a guard was nearly run over by a garbage truck in town, and after checking on him, he asked the driver if he was okay, rather than screaming at him like a jackass. The man had been desperately looking for his inhaler at the time. His kindness meant that the man didn’t lose his job and didn’t have to feel guilty for a simple accident. I sucked him off in the back of the car for the entire twenty minute drive home, cherishing him for it. I took him slowly, worshiping him while he caressed my hair and watched me. I can still feel the heated stare when I think about it hard enough.
“I climbed the fucking gate, because you can’t even be bothered to text me back!” Lilian hisses.
What. The. Fuck.
“Is that safe?” Jasper questions.
Lilian laughs like a lunatic. “For the baby you don’t even care about? Is throwing myself over a ten foot wall safe for it? Of fucking course its not. I guess its a good thing that it doesn’t fucking exist, huh?Jesus christ Jasper, a pregnancy is supposed to make you more involved not pull-out of the arrangement completely! Are you insane?”
If I wasn’t so relieved that there was no baby growing inside of this madwoman I would be furious. Faking pregnancy is something pretty damn unforgivable. Especially to someone like me.
“Areyouinsane?” he counters, growing louder. “You faked a pregnancy off of a one-night stand and thinkI’mthe crazy one for not falling at your feet?”
“I hardly call it a one-night stand when you’re too drunk to fucking come! Muttering some shit about fucking flowers. What the hell is wrong with you, I’m a catch! Men literally beg to fuck me and you could hardly keep it up!”
Flowers. Too drunk to come. Could hardly keep it up.
He couldn't do it.
I’m giggling now, giddy that she couldn’t seduce him completely.
Good God, this is horrible. Why am I laughing?!
“I’m going to give you a courtesy I don’t grant often. I’m going to allow you to walk out of my house without having you detained and then arrested for trespassing. And it has absolutely nothing to do with any affection I feel toward you, because I assure you, there isnone. But because your father does good business and I’m sure he has nothing to do with this stunt. Now leave, seek some fucking help, and don’t come back.”
There are more indiscernible screams, and then a door slamming.
I don’t have time to scramble back into bed before Jasper is opening the door. I have to cover my mouth to stop the sounds of laughter even when he raises a brow at me. I don’t even know why that awful encounter has me in a fit of laughter, but I can’t seem to stop finding the humor in it.
He cocks his head at me. “You found that funny, did you dollface?”
Shaking my head and retreating to the bed, I still don’t stop laughing.
Then his eyes narrow, darkening with hunger and all of the air I was using to laugh is stolen from my lungs. He gets to me quickly, softly wrapping his hand around my throat and backing me into the edge of the mattress.
“I missed that laugh.”
The way he kisses me nearly knocks me off of my balance. It ends far too quickly when he sets his forehead against mine. “We’re leaving in an hour. Your stuff is here, pack enough for a week.”
I’m not surprised that Jasper has had my entire apartment packed up overnight. He probably got me out of my lease too, not that he couldn’t afford the fee of breaking the contract. But his name throws around a lot of weight. Iamsurprised that we're going somewhere so last minute though. Jasper is, traditionally, a planner.
“Leaving where?”
He smirks. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Biting my lip, avoiding a smile, I flirt, “I could probably convince you to tell me.”