Page 17 of The Companion
My head dipped before him. “Sorry about the call. I didn’t have enough time to change and I forgot to bring an extra set of clothing for tonight. I didn’t mean to stand you up. I just didn’t want to appear….” I gestured my hands down at myself.
His lips turned up into a gorgeous smile that caused a flutter in my chest. “Hello, Lily. Glad you made it.”
I took in a short breath and smiled back at him. “Hello, Jonas. Thank you.”
“We have reservations at Peacock Alley. But if you’d prefer, we can have it sent to my suite where we can relax and chat?” Jonas asked.
I nodded. “Yes. Ok. I’d like that.”
His hand moved to the small of my back and led me towards the elevators.
The door closed and the small space filled with him. I peered down at his Italian leather shoes in front of me. The sleeve of his suit brushed against my arm. I took in a shaky breath.
“Nervous again,” he said, amusement in his tone.
I nodded as I played with the buttons on my coat.
He reached his hand inside my coat and fixed the lapel on my suit, smoothing the fabric in place his gaze steady on me. His palms brushed my breasts. “We’ll relax, eat and talk. How does that sound?”
Did he do that on purpose or was he just being helpful?
I tucked my chin under as my face heated at the timbre of his voice and the possibility that he felt or could see my nipples hardening at his brief touch. I wasn’t sure, and was too embarrassed to ask, so I worked against my pounding heart and staggering breath and said, “Sounds great.”
Once out of the elevators, his hand slipped to my back once again and guided me toward the entrance of his suite. Opening the door, he waited for me to go inside first. Crossing the threshold, I was astonished by the dimensions and opulence before me. The foyer had exquisite marbled flooring and opened to an elegant seating area. There were large rose petal rugs situated under two antique loveseats and a highly polished mahogany coffee table that had a welcome basket and a bottle of champagne poised in a silver bucket. Next to the dining table was a fully stocked wet bar.
Jonas opened a door next to where we stood and removed his jacket and shoes.
“I’ll take your coat and shoes,” he said, placing his hand on my shoulder to assist me out of the coat.
I groaned as I wiggled my toe, eyeing the hole in my nylons when I took off my heels. “They are a menace.”
“You may take those off, too,” he said, peering down at them with me.
I may?Odd,I thought.
“A glass of wine, Lily?” he asked as he headed over to the bar.
“Sure,” I called out. I absently reached under my skirt and yanked along the top and started to pull off my nylons.
“There is a bathroom to the left.”
I turned in mid-motion, connected with Jonas’s face. His gaze was dark, and I froze in place under its weight.
My blush burned my face. “Excuse me.” I quickly eased my skirt back in place, darting into the bathroom and closing the door.Why did I do that?My brain had abandoned me. Jonas completely unnerved me.
Gazing around the bathroom, I marveled at the décor as I removed my nylons. It had an open-seated vanity area with an oval mirror and full-sized complimentary toiletries. A mini-chandelier hung from the ceiling, complete with gold light sconces and satin covers, and the black and white patterned marble flooring glistened under my feet. Further inside, I admired the huge marble tub with ornate fixtures and a pedestal sink with mirror. I splashed water on my face and freshened my mouth in the sink.
As I moved back to the door, I saw an open closet with terry cloth robes and slippers.Let them eat cake, indeed.I was delaying, but I couldn’t hide out for the whole evening. He didn’t see anything, just an awkward bend and my hands grappling under my skirt. Ican face him again, I prepped myself.
Leaving the bathroom, I put away my nylons and then turned around and gazed over the large living area.
I stood next to the couch and tried to curb my dreamy expression as Jonas leafed through a leather bound menu. He had removed his suit jacket and was now in his dark slacks, his white shirt unbuttoned at the collar. He glanced at me and patted the seat next to him.
“Have a seat. We’ll order together,” he said.
Right on cue, my stomach growled. Sitting down a little further over than his instruction, I attempted to view the menu by leaning over. Jonas turned and studied me for a moment, then moved his arm up along the back of the couch.
“I won’t bite, at least not right now.” He winked at me.