Page 34 of The Companion
“I didn’t know you were coming,” he said.
I chewed my bottom lip as I looked at the warmth flowing between the two of them. The man touched my arm. “I’m Alan.”
“Lily,” Dani finished for me as she moved away from Jonas and leaned in, surprising me by cupping my face and kissing my cheek. “Jonas told me you would be coming with him. Welcome.”
Alan touched Jonas’s shoulder and shook my hand.
“Thank you,” I said softly, moving back to Jonas’s side.
“She reminds me a little of….” Dani clicked her tongue.
“Maggie,” Jonas answered quietly.
Dani smiled and nodded in agreement. “Yes. Greg’s Maggie. But wow, those silver eyes and lips.” Her gaze raked me from head to toe. “Makes me wish we ran across her back then.” She wiggled a brow at Jonas and giggled. He laughed a little with her.
I let my hair fall forward, and Jonas reached out and tucked me against his side. “Let’s not scare her,” he said dryly.
Dani beamed as she looked between us. Alan leaned over and kissed her cheek, and she smiled up at him. “We just came for an early meal and chat. How about a cup of chai? Before your class?” She clasped her hands together.
“Okay,” Jonas said. He led me to a table, then walked away with Alan to pick up the drinks while Dani and I sat down together.
“You’ll have to forgive me. I knew you would be here tonight, and my curiosity got the best of me. So we decided to stop in to meet you,” she replied.
I didn’t know how to answer so I nodded, then looked for Jonas, and found his gaze was on me.
“She’s fine,” Dani called out. He just shook his head. “He’s afraid I’ll say something that will make you run away.” She winked. “I don’t want you to run away, though. Which is why I recommended this session tonight. Give you a chance to sync your energy together.”
I raised my brows. “Like soul and spirit body energy. I read some Eastern Philosophy in college….”
“Yes!” Dani exclaimed, clasping her hands together. “Jonas said you were clever. Now I’m having my own ‘Lily’ conversation.”
I gave her a smile. Jonas had mentioned me to his ex-wife?That’s odd.What was I doing chatting with his wife about him? I covered my mouth.
“Oh, please don’t be uncomfortable,” Dani said and grinned at me. “Yes. Jonas did mention you to me. We talk about everything. You needn’t worry.”
“She shouldn’t worry about what?” Jonas asked. His tone was light as he walked up to the table and placed the steaming cups down. “From Lily’s expression, I think I must insist on knowing,” he mused.
“I was just starting my own amazing conversation with Lily,” Dani said. “But she was a bit worried about talking about you with me. I tried to explain it’s perfectly fine. We’re best friends and all.”
Jonas grinned and shook his head. “I knew I shouldn’t have left her with you.”
“We’re fine,” I said, assuring him. “We spoke about balancing energy.”
“Good.” He winked at me, then turned to Dani, “So where is Paul tonight?”
“He told me he was studying for his recital, but I know he’s on a group date,” Dani said, laughing.
Jonas’s jaw ticked. “So he’s lying again.”
Dani shrugged. “It’s not that big of a deal. He’s fifteen. We did worse.”
Jonas smirked at her then grinned. “True. But I won’t let him get away with it.”
“If you moved back from Texas,” Dani said in a light tone.
Jonas’s eyes dulled, but he said nothing more and sipped his chai. I reached under the table and touched his knee.