Page 44 of The Companion
I ate a few bites and put my fork down.
“A little more, Lily,” Jonas said softly. He held out his chopsticks with a beefy slice of salmon before my lips.
I lidded my eyes. “I’m full.”
Jonas leaned next to my ear and said. “You’ll need your strength.”
“Jonas,” I said in mock annoyance.
His lips twitched.
“That’s sweet,” Ian said and chuckled.
Jonas didn’t say anything, but continued to feed me more until I placed my hand over my mouth in mock refusal, which made Ian laugh all the more.
“Lily, if you ever want to see those photos of my trip to Skywalker ranch….” Ian said. He reached in his coat and handed me a card.
Jonas looked at Ian. “What photos?” his tone light.
I smiled. “Ian is a Star Wars fan, and he said he has pictures of a tour of the Skywalker ranch.”
Jonas’s eyes flashed at Ian. “Oh, did he?”
“Yes.” Ian cleared his throat. “I visited a while ago. Since I’m here now, I thought I could show her the photos if she wanted to see them. As a fellow fan.”
Jonas merely stared at him.
I reached under the table and squeezed Jonas’s hand. “I’m fine. I don’t need to see. Thank you.”
“No,” Jonas said. “Maybe we can all do this together sometime.”
I broadened my smile and let go of the breath I hadn’t even known I was holding. “Yeah. I’d like that.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Ian said evenly. “So, Jonas, do you think we can reach Steven…?” He launched into a renewed conversation about business.
I sipped a little of the sake and listened as Jonas spoke, his inflection and tone so confident. I marveled at his ability to negotiate. Hell, whatever he said he had sold me, though I wondered why he invited me to dine with them in the first place. Finally, he motioned for the waitress to come and paid the bill. Then we all walked out of the restaurant, Ian stopping at the door. “This is where I leave you two.” He tilted his head. “Very nice to meet you, Lily. Jonas, I’ll see you soon.”
As we moved to the car, I couldn’t help but feel a distance from Jonas. I wondered if I had done something wrong, though Jonas hadn’t said anything. When we settled in the car, I glanced over at him. “Is everything alright?” He pulled me close to his side and kissed my lips. “Everything is fine. Just Ian testing me.”
“Testing you in what way?” I asked as David pulled right into gridlock traffic.
Jonas exhaled. “Trying to,” he paused, “never mind.” He kissed my lips lightly.
Once the door was closed, I smiled and scooted a little closer to him.
“I know you like Star Wars, but….” Jonas said.
“But you don’t want me hanging out with Ian while you’re out of town,” I said, peering at him through my lashes.
“That obvious, I suppose,” Jonas said, looking straight ahead. “It’s not that I don’t trust you. I don’t trust him. Don’t get me wrong, Ian is probably as close to a friend outside of Dani that I have.” He turned his head and looked at me. “But we are just getting… used to each other. I would rather we spend time together.”
Jonas, insecure?I stared at him in bewilderment. “Ian seems nice and all, but I don’t feel the same way I feel about….” I let the words die as I held my own uncertainties. Jonas reached out and placed his arm around me. I sunk in against him as we rode through the night traffic.
The sounds of the sirens, and beeping horns blocked out the quiet that settled between us. The thoughts of having Jonas still ruled my mind as we made our way over to Park Avenue and back to the Astoria. Once out of the car, Jonas kept me close as we made our way back up to his suite. However, when we reached the suite, I felt a shift between us.
“Remove your clothes,” Jonas commanded the second the door was closed.
My lips parted. “Right now? Come on. Can’t you just take me?” I said, laughing as I removed my coat and hung it in the closet.