Page 48 of The Companion
I love the Tiger Lilies. You didn’t tell me you were taking me to the opera tonight!
Right away, he texted me back.It was a surprise. I’m glad you like your flowers. I’m looking forward to tonight too.
I texted again.How’s work?
He replied.It’s going well. I should have it all finished in time for my flight tomorrow.
I sank back into my chair. After everything that had happened, I had almost forgotten he was flying away tomorrow. I didn’t even know when I would see him again. We hadn’t discussed the companionship since the first night. What would I do if he decided he didn’t want to continue?
I found myself worrying over Jonas throughout the afternoon, and the distraction was making the simplest of tasks take twice as long. I wasn’t getting any work done, so I decided to take the rest of the time off. I sent a message to Gregor, who was due back in town tomorrow evening.
Sounds good. Let’s go to Sophie’s tomorrow at 6:00 p.m.? I’ve got so much to share with you.
I texted him back.Sounds good. See you tomorrow. Thanks.
I sent a quick message to Jonas.Leaving work early. Are you at the hotel?
Jonas sent a texted back.I’ll send David to pick you up in 30 minutes.
I texted in turn.No need. I’m out the door. I’ll be there soon.
I closed my cell and quickly packed the rest of my things. I waited a few minutes, but didn’t get a response to my message. I walked down the street and around the corner, flagging down the first taxi I saw. I was rounding 51stand Lexington in under twenty minutes. I paid the taxi and walked into the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. It wasn’t until I approached the door and heard the elevated voices that I started to feel alarmed. I knocked on the door and everything went silent.Is everything alright?
I pressed the door button.
“I’ll answer it,” a young male voice sung out. Before I had a chance think about it, the door swung open and a tall muscular young male with an angular shaped face, thick black hair, and sea blue eyes stared at me with a mischievous grin on his full lips. He was a younger version of Jonas. His son Paul?
I lifted my brows. “Excuse me, I’m, Ms. Lily Salomé.”
“Now I understand what Mom’s talking about,” he said and motioned widely for me to come in as I reluctantly crossed inside the suite. My eyes met Jonas, who was standing by the couch with a grim expression on his face.
“This is my rude son, Paul.” Jonas folded his arms.
“You cut in on our father and son time,” Paul said curtly to me.
My cheeks warmed. “I’m sorry. I’ll go.”
Paul laughed hardily. “You’re hot when you blush.”
“Paul,” Jonas hissed, “apologize. Now.”
“No sense of humor,” Paul said. He sidestepped Jonas. “Sorry, Lily. You’re prettier than his past girlfriends and his latest in Texas.”
I felt the blood drain from my face. “Girlfriends?”
“That’s it. Consider that snowboarding weekend cancelled,” Jonas barked.
Paul rolled his eyes. “Not like you to overreact, Dad.” He walked over and picked up his coat from the back of the couch. He winked at me. “I need a date to the dance in a couple of weeks. Just putting it out there.” He chuckled and strolled out the door.
“I’ll be back,” Jonas called out on his heels. After about ten minutes, he returned to the room.
I touched my warm face. “Well, that didn’t exactly go well.”
Jonas groaned and then combed his fingers through his hair. “Paul decided to skip his afternoon classes and surprise me. He loves to get a rise, which I’m afraid will probably get worse than better. I apologize for his behavior.”
I frowned. “What did he mean about your latest girlfriend in Texas?” He walked over to me and took my bag out of my hands and walked to the closet.
“I had a companion in Texas, but we’re back to being friends again,” Jonas said, matter-of-factly.