Page 51 of The Companion
Jonas took out his cell and kept my hand as we walked to the car and once inside, wrapped his arm around me. So oddly familiar and natural his touch and care of me.
“So what did you think?” Jonas asked.
I leaned my head against his shoulder. “I hadn’t allowed myself to enjoy an opera in a long time, it was like meeting an old friend.”
He tilted my face up and kissed me deeply, caressing his tongue with mine.
“I’ve wanted to do that all evening,” Jonas said softly. “And this.” Jonas moved me to lay back on the seat. He reached under my dress and when he touched my mound, he stilled. Lifting my dress higher, his eyes iced over as he glared down at the black-laced panties underneath.
I giggled. “I wondered how long it would take for you to find out.”
“I told you not to wear panties.” Jonas stared down pressing his lips together. He let go of my thighs and pulled my dress back in place and sat away from me.
What was his problem? I stared at him in disbelief. My mouth dropped open and I frowned. “I thought it was funny.”
“It’s not the panties. It’s more my expectation of you. I used them as, I had hoped, a fun way to help communicate that to you,” he said curtly.
Even though I had Jonas brooding and his reaction was in my view an over-reaction, I was aroused. So much so that my clit throbbed. The more I sat, the further the intensity. I found myself reaching up under my skirt to seek sexual release.
Jonas grabbed my hand. “You will not.” Shockingly, he went as far as lowering the dividing window between us and the front seat of the car. Knowing me well enough to know that I wouldn’t do anything in front of David.
I dropped my hands and grimaced at him.
Jonas just sat there stoically, completely ignoring me.
My anger started to dissipate the more I stared at him. Would he stay angry? Would he want me to leave? “It was a joke. I’ll play along now.”
“I know you will,” Jonas said tersely, still not looking at me. “Now let’s sit here and enjoy the remainder of our ride. We’ll discuss this when we get back to the suite.”
Crossing my arms, I turned my head and glared out the window and said nothing.
The few blocks remaining had been the longest I had experienced in my life. Jonas had not relented, even when we pulled up to the curb of the hotel. Climbing out of the car, I was relieved when he splayed his hand on my lower back and moved us through the hotel and up to his suite, though he still didn’t look at or say one word to me.
My stomach started to churn. “What can I do to end this?” I hunched over when we reached the door and he closed it behind us.
Jonas folded his arms and finally spoke, “Strip off your clothing, place your heels in the closet, then fold everything else neatly and hand them to me.”
My heart pounded as I glanced up at him and saw his expression was stern. There was no doubt that Jonas not only expected his command to be followed, but promptly. I reached to my back and unzipped my dress, then removed my heels and put them away, all the time glancing towards him. He walked through the room turning on every light, exposing me. My fingers fumbled as I removed my dress and unhooked my bra, then rolled down the thigh highs. After folding them, I shook as I lifted them up and held them out in front of him.
“Stand here.” Jonas took them from me and placed them on the table. He put his things away, then returned in front of me.
I trembled as my mind played over Declan ignoring me and withholding affection after my parents died. The agony of working to be his “good girl” and earn his physical and emotional affection.I can’t go through that again.I crumbled down on the floor and wrapped my arms around myself in comfort. “I’m sorry,” I said nasally. Then a tear fell, and another. Before I knew it, I was sobbing.
“Lily.” Jonas quickly scooped me up off the floor and carried me to the bedroom. He moved me to straddle his lap and held me close, rubbing my back.
I closed my eyes. “I’m sorry. Please don’t ignore me, hold me.”
“I know you are sorry, and I’m not going to let you go,” Jonas kissed my forehead, “but I need to know why you’re crying. I didn’t expect this reaction. Talk to me.”
I took a deep breath and told him. “I guess you want me to go now,” I said desolately. “I’m more complicated than you signed up for.”
“I could kill him,” Jonas said angrily, understanding reaching his eyes. He cupped my face. “I’d never do that to you.” He saw my doubt, so he continued. “I’ll work to earn that trust from you in time. But what I do want you to know is that I don’t want you to go. I want to know your thoughts and feelings.” He lifted my chin and gazed into my eyes. “I find you impossible to ignore and irresistible to touch.”
I blinked. “But. In the car… I like you leading. I want you to, but I didn’t understand. I needed to know.” I bit my lip as I tried to find the words, “I needed….”
“Discussion. Assurance,” Jonas offered and I nodded.
He stroked the side of my face and chin. “Well, I like control and you told me that you like to be led. So I pushed for more of it, but now I know that was too much too soon, especially after what happened to you. I should have discussed this with you and I apologize for that.”