Page 57 of The Companion
I rubbed my chest and pushed the food away from me. He was right. Jonas hadn’t promised me a relationship. We had a business companionship. The moments of him holding me; his comfort and care meant something to me, but not to him. I needed to not allow myself to get lost in him.
When the check arrived, we were both buzzed. I reached in my purse and took out my half.
He smiled jovially. “It’s a business expense.” We walked to the door and as we reached the Bentley and the car service I had set up for him to take back home. He opened his arms and I gave him a hug, and he held me.
“You take such good care of me,” Gregor said. “You’re special, Lily.”
I moved back from him and he leaned down and kissed me.
I jumped back and touched my lips. “Gregor. What are you doing?”
His eyes widened. “Oh. I’m sorry. I… don’t be mad.”
I rolled my eyes. “Go sleep it off.” I suddenly found David at my side, blocking Gregor. “You need some help, Lily?”
“No. He was just joking around,” I said. He didn’t move from between us.
Gregor glared at David and moved towards his car. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Lily. Remember what I said.”
I shook my head as he stumbled in his car. “Light weight,” I called out.
Turning back to David, I thanked him and climbed inside the car.
After a few minutes on the road, my phone chimed. I looked at the caller ID and a flutter went through my stomach.Jonas.
“I want to hear it from you,” He barked out.
I narrowed my brows.He’s upset?“You have David spying on me?”
“I have David looking out for you as you’re alone in New York. What happened?” His harsh tone alerted me that David must have told him what happened between me and Gregor.
“Gregor was drunk. He didn’t mean anything. It was just one kiss.”
“I don’t want any part of Gregor Worton touching you, or anyone else for that matter. I’ll be clear when I talk to him.”
My mouth went dry. “Don’t, please. He’s my friend and I know he didn’t mean anything by it. He’s probably all upset at himself now.”
“Not open for discussion. He won’t touch you again. Ever,” he said sharply.
I glared at the phone. “Why not? I’m just a companion.”
“Mycompanion, which means you’re mine and off limits to anyone but me,” Jonas said.
I licked my lips as my stomach fluttered at the thrill of his possessiveness towards me. But I didn’t liked the idea of Jonas fighting with Gregor. “He’s my boss. I can’t have you ordering him to not touch me.”
“I’ll just let him know he wouldn’t have gotten into that conference in the Hamptons if it hadn’t been for me,” he said.
My brows furrowed as my mouth gaped. “Jonas, you didn’t. How could you do that to him?”
“I helped him out. Arch is a good company, but let’s be serious. He needed to be invited into the game to play. I made it happen. That’s all.”
I pushed back my hair as my heart sped up. “I’m not a bargaining piece. You can’t go around threatening to take things away because of a kiss. That’s insane.”
“The second you let someone get away with disrespecting you, that respect is gone forever. There will be no compromise. Gregor knows that much about me,” he said.
I frowned. “Please don’t hurt him. He’s one of my only friends.” My words stumbled as a pain gripped my chest. Did I say too much?
“Shhh. I don’t want you upset.” His voice softened, “Please calm down. I’m not going to harm him, but we’ll talk.”