Page 61 of The Companion
“Punishment? For not answering? That’s pretty heavy handed,” I said.
“Lily, stop playing coy and tell me what’s bothering you. Now,” he ordered.
I exhaled. “Fine. My roommate Natasha explained how companionships work. I don’t want gifts. I want this to be fifty-fifty.”
“I don’t have a nefarious plan in place for you. We’ll discuss the latter when we see each other in ten days, maybe a week.”
My lips parted. “A week?” my tone higher.
He chuckled. “That’s better. Yes. I’m coming back. Hopefully for a few days or more.”
“Yay!” I cheered and giggled. Shit. Should I have done that?
“I want to see that beautiful smile and laugh. Get your laptop so we can Skype.”
Dutifully, I went to my desk in the corner and pulled out my laptop and put it on the bed. I wanted so much to see him again. I connected to Skype and Jonas’s gorgeous face filled the screen. He was still dressed in the black shirt from his morning. His hair slightly parted and hanging on the sides of his devastatingly handsome face. He was in what appeared to be an office with a large window displaying the bright skyline behind him.
“Please tell me you’re not working,” I said, annoyed.
His grin went lopsided. “No. I’m finished now. This is my office in my condo here,” Jonas said. “You look sleepy and something else is going on. Tell me.”
I sighed. “Well, Gregor mentioned I was a lot like Maggie.”
Jonas mouth formed a line. “And from your expression, what he told you wasn’t good.”
I looked away. “Well. No, but I won’t judge.”
“Look at me,” Jonas said and I turned to face the monitor again.
“I think I deserve to speak my side as you have heard Greg’s. I mean Gregor’s, as he now insists on being called,” Jonas rolled his eyes. “Dani and I met him in college. We tried to get along with him, but he was… well, we found him pretentious. Though in hindsight I’d call him ambitious. He name dropped, was pushy for introductions, connections… that kind of thing,” he paused.
I gave a slight nod. I loved Gregor like a good friend, but I knew Jonas’s assessment about his ambition rang true. He continued. “One night we invited him to an event and he brought Maggie.” He smiled wistfully. “Maggie was—”
“Like me?” I interrupted.
Jonas shook his head. “Not exactly. She had long dark hair and a curvy body, but no, she wasn’t like you. She was, well….” Jonas grinned. “Uninhibited. We had a sexual friendship with her, but then Mag’s was a free spirit, and we did enjoy our time together.”
I looked away. I didn’t really want the details of him with anyone, but I couldn’t just end the conversation. So I asked what I really wanted to know, “Did you break it off with her?”
“Yes. She wanted to have more sexual partners, and that wasn’t what we wanted. So it ended,” Jonas said.
“How did she feel about it?” I asked.
“She was fine,” Jonas said.
I licked my lips. “Did you see her after you broke up?”
“We didn’t hang in the same social circles,” he said with a slight lift of his shoulders.
I lowered my gaze. “You didn’t talk to her anymore?”
Jonas gave me an odd look. “Yes. Not often, but we did. She was still our friend.”
I stared at him through the screen. “Gregor cared for her a lot, it seems.”
He nodded. “I know and she told us, but Maggie was only interested in sexual friendships. She liked Gregor and offered him an open relationship, but he refused, just as we did.”
I lifted my brows. “So you didn’t abandon her?”