Page 10 of The Interlude
In the six months since we’d broken up, he had never called or anything. The second he witnessed me out and talking with Jonas, he started appearing, calling, and sending gifts. He’d given me the impression he was pursuing me again. Yet, this time, his actions were absent of the love and kindness that had won me over to him before.
“He won’t stop,” David said as if he plucked the thought from me. “His behavior was hostile. I’m very concerned. I’m calling Ms. Crane.”
I dropped my head. “I understand… Please tell Dani I’m contacting Ian and to please hold off until she hears from him.”
David nodded slowly and closed the door. Shaking, I typed out a message to Ian Unger.
I’m ready to press charges. What do I need to do first?
My appointment calendarbuzzed, alerting me that the workday had ended, though I didn’t need a reminder. My mind was still on Declan and our encounter in front of the building. That, and my subsequent conversation with Ian Unger in which I had agreed to go to the police station to report Declan. The fear bubbling up inside me was overcome with sorrow as my mind played over all the good times we had shared in our relationship, almost to the point of making me want to call Ian and cancel.
Pushing that thought away, I turned off my computer, packed my things and headed out of the building. I found Ian waiting for me by a Mercedes SUV. He was dressed down—wearing a black sweater, and from what I could see, tight denim jeans that hugged his long, lean legs just right. He pushed his blonde hair back from his face, showing off a handsome profile.
I walked up and awkwardly accepted the surprise brush of his lips against my cheek. A crease appeared, showing off a set of dimples that made him look even more appealing. Not that I was interested.
“Good to see you, Lily,” Ian said.
His hand reached for my waist as he helped me climb into the backseat. Not that I couldn’t have handled that on my own. At almost five foot seven, I was tall enough to navigate climbing into an SUV.
“Thanks,” I muttered.
I moved close to the window seat and buckled up. Ian let out a laugh as he settled down next to me. My legs started to jitter, and his mood took on a more serious tone, which I found comforting.
“We’ll go to the police department downtown and get the restraining order,” Ian said. “While we’re there, we’ll get some of the paperwork I brought with me for you to complete.”
I nodded rapidly, as a shudder went through me. “What will happen after that?”
“Not much, I’m afraid,” Ian said bluntly. “At least, not for a while. But it’s a step in the right direction. Best case scenario, he will be arrested.”
I trembled. Declan had worked hard over the past five years to build up his import/export business. It was an effort my parents had admired in him, and one I supported by helping him when I could during our relationship. His whole life was invested in that business. If he lost it, he’d be financially ruined, or worse. I couldn’t do that to him.
“I don’t know about that. I just want Declan to leave me alone. I don’t want him to lose his business or to destroy his career.”
“He should have thought about that before he hit you. He had to have known that was against the law, but he did it anyway, and risked suffering the consequences. Leaving him alone is as good as leaving him open to do it to someone else,” Ian said. “Besides, what about your career and safety? Do you honestly think he cares about that?”
I stared out the window at the passing traffic and thought about Ian’s words before answering. No. Declan didn’t care. And his chaotic behavior this afternoon left me without doubt he would continue to hassle me.
“No. You’re right. But it’s hard to think he doesn’t… care about me.”
“You’re doing the right thing, I assure you,” Ian said, clasping my hand. “You’re not alone, either. You have Dani and me on your side.”
I turned my lips up. “Thank you both,” I said, easing my hand away.
A smile spread across his face. “You seem to take delight in punishing those you deemed guilty. Why didn’t you go into criminal law?”
“Money,” Ian said, giving me a dimpled smile that had me smiling back at him.
“Duh,” I said, and we both laughed.
“If you feel unsafe, I can have my driver take you around and get more security for you,” Ian offered.
“Well, Jonas… I mean, Dani, has David transporting me for now. But I can’t have him forever.”
“You would if Jonas had his way,” Ian said under his breath. “If you don’t want David to take you around, my offer stands.”