Page 16 of The Interlude
Jonas held out his hand for me to take. “It’s too cold for you out here.”
I clasped it and the spark of our connection came to life. A shiver went through me. Jonas didn’t acknowledge it or pause. I found myself almost jogging beside him as he moved me back inside the building. Once there, he headed down a marble corridor away from the main hall and stopped before a room marked “Small Conference.” He reached inside his inner pocket and removed a small card. He waved it before the door, releasing the lock, and closed it behind us.
I found nothing in the room that would be used in a conference. A small, fixed modular couch was set up along a corner, and there was a coffee table with snacks out for eating. Opposite that was a small buffet set-up and a kitchenette with a banner above it displaying, “Congratulations to Bryon and Rita on their upcoming wedding.” Jonas lightly touched my waist and I turned around to face him. His gaze pinned me.
“I was completely off guard. I don’t understand why you did it. But on behalf of my family and the program, thank you,” I babbled.
“You don’t have to say that,” he said, still touching me.
“Yes, I do. I didn’t. I mean I didn’t set out to get your funding. I hope you know that,” I stuttered.
“Take a deep breath,” Jonas said, giving me one of his winning smiles.
He delighted in the effect he had on me. I stepped out of his arms and did as he asked. My breath eased, though my pulse still sprinted.
“As far as you seeking funding, that never came to mind. It was last minute that I was able to attend this gala, though your foundation inclusion was planned after we discussed it during our first evening together.”
He paused and the memory washed over me, as well as a blush warming my face.
“I would have invited you, but you asked for space,” Jonas said in a clipped tone.
I was happy he didn’t mention our conversation on the phone or my ending our companionship. Reaching out, he took my hands in his. I peered up at him and looked down again. His presence was almost too much. I felt little next to him.
“But I’m trying to understand why you chose my project. There are so many other well established foundations that needed the money….”
“Why not? You told me about it. It seemed a worthy cause, so I had Finch add it to the list of charitable organizations this year. I spoke to Ms. Parker and she was on board with it. You said you were waiting for a promotion from Arch, but why should you wait when I can help you now?” Jonas said with a lift of his chin. “It’s a start. The Finch Foundation will help connect your foundation with philanthropy committees, and the public. The Legacy can build on the exposure. Give you a start on your dream. You might one day head your family’s foundation and not be just a publishing assistant at Arch.”
In a flash, I realized what he meant. This was a stepping stone towards my dream of running the Legacy program and making it my full-time job. Jonas had made my dream into a possibility. I could keep the work and memory of my parents alive, and for his help with that alone, I was grateful.
“I can’t express in words how much this means to me.”
He said a lot of kind and supportive things. Still my mind niggled at his mentioning “just a publishing assistant.” My greatest fear when it came to him was that I wasn’t good enough. I needed to be better than I was to be any more than a companion to him. I swallowed down the sting, but his eyes were on me and rarely missed anything.
“Did I say something wrong? I hoped this would make you happy.”
He pushed his hair back and a small smile formed on my lips. He had no idea how drop dead gorgeous he was. This wasn’t the time, and I didn’t have the relationship with him to discuss my insecurities.
“I am. Truly. I’m grateful,” I said as fresh tears fell from my eyes.
Jonas cupped my face so that I was looking up at him. “You cry when you’re happy?” he mused.
He guided me over to a small sink, where he dampened a cloth. He wiped clean the streaks on my face. His brows lowered and my pulse sped up as he scrutinized me.
“Dark circles. You’re not sleeping.” His gaze ran the length of me. “You’ve lost weight, too.”
I peered at him through my lashes. “Are those compliments?” I tried to joke.
“No, but I’ll give you one. You look beautiful tonight,” Jonas said, his lips turned up in a smile.
My eyes connected with his, and when our connection sparked between us, my heart soared. I wanted him. All of him. But he wasn’t and couldn’t be mine. I needed to leave.
“I should go….”
Jonas’s eyes squinted. “I don’t know why or how you got in touch with Ian. He didn’t mention it when I saw him at the conference,” he said hoarsely.
“With Melissa Finch.” My voice rose at the end. I couldn’t bring myself to look at him.
“Melissa had business in San Francisco, and she accompanied me. I wanted you to go, but you ended things with me,” Jonas said.