Page 23 of The Interlude
“I was only kidding. Slacks and a shirt are fine,” he said.
I then thought of Melissa. Why wasn’t she going? “What about Melissa?”
“She’ll be on our flight back to Texas on Wednesday,” he admitted. “I didn’t lie, I’m not with her.”
We were silent for what felt like a minute, but it was probably only a few seconds.
“Alright. See you soon.”
I put the phone down. My mind wanted to dissect the conversation, but I didn’t have time.
On my third pass through my papers, I found everything I thought Mary would need. I ended up having to use the trolley, as I needed my laptop, too. So I quickly repacked my clothing and changed into a pair of black wool pants and a grey button down shirt. I even managed a smear of gloss on my lips before the door sounded. I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to Jonas.
I’m walking out of my apartment and will meet you outside
This was not a date, I told myself, as I quickly grabbed my handbag and keys before walking out the door.
My pulse sped up at the sight of Jonas standing outside of the apartment building waiting for me. His gaze connected with mine, and the tension charged the air between us. A shiver went through me, as my eyes zoned in on the smile curving his full lips. I couldn’t help but acknowledge the effect he had on me. He was stunning, in a dark turtleneck and grey slacks. I laughed internally, thinking how we matched. His brow rose questioningly as I approached.
“You look beautiful.”
They were words he often said to me, that magically relaxed me. A little boost to my confidence that he somehow understood I needed. It was one of the many things that had my heart skipping a beat when I was with him.
He leaned down and brushed my cheek, then took my bags and handed them to David, who walked over to collect them. I smiled at our driver shyly, a blush appearing on my cheeks. After having loud and passionate sex in the car with Jonas, my embarrassment had become a part of our greeting.
A chilly gust of wind came past and I shuddered, which in turn had Jonas reaching for my hand and walking us over to the car. As I looked down at my ankle boots, I noticed the dusting of snow on the sidewalk. Winter wasn’t exactly over, but New York City didn’t usually get this cold. Not as cold as Boston, for which I now realized I had under-packed. Nevertheless, I climbed inside the car and took off my coat, passing it through to place in the trunk.
Jonas climbed in and settled next to me. I turned to him and noticed a tightness around his eyes, and a slight turn down to his mouth. He tried to cover both once our eyes met. This was difficult for him. I reached out and took his hand, clasping it.
David pulled off and drove down the street, the crush of the dusting of fresh snow under the tires. The sun was beaming down. If the temperature hadn’t been so cold, it would have melted the snow by now.
“I’m sorry about leaving you last night. As part of the press for the foundation, we have to do some interviews. I understand why you left with Ian.”
The words were weighted as if he wanted to ask more about what happened between myself and Ian last night.
I licked my lips. “I didn’t mean to come between your and Ian’s friendship or business relationship. One kiss is all I had with him. He was helping with some legal stuff—”
“What legal stuff?” Jonas interjected.
I chewed my lip. “The thing I’m not yet ready to discuss with you, but will when I feel better.” I dipped my head down. “Please don’t push it,” I said in a small voice.
“I won’t, but I want to know. I can help if you’d give me a chance,” Jonas said. He lifted his arm. “Can I hold you?”
He read my need for comfort and asked. He didn’t take or order. There was the difference. I was no longer his companion. I moved over and placed my head on his chest, and the warmth and comfort filled me. I could have wept.
My mind played over what he had shared about his mother in the past. He once told me she had placed him in boarding school early and left his father for his friend. Not exactly great childhood memories. And now, his mother didn’t seem to remember any of it, conflicting his feelings even further. To what extent, I didn’t know. His pain was evident in his telling and had led me not to press him for an answer at the time.
“So, how about those Knicks?” I asked to break the tension.
He laughed and I joined him.
“Paul is looking forward to that this evening.” He squeezed me. “We should talk about us, but later. If that’s alright?”
There was a sadness there that caused a tightening in my chest. “Sure. So, will your younger brother, Vincent, be there?” I asked, changing the subject.
From Jonas’s expression, this topic wasn’t one he was ready to discuss either.
“Don’t know.” Jonas stared out the window. “I didn’t call to tell him.”