Page 44 of The Interlude
I sighed. Overtime and leave didn’t go together. “I’m fine. A little tired, but really, don’t worry about me.”
“If you say so, Lily,” Gregor said in a tone that said he didn’t believe me. “I’ll let you know today or tomorrow if any of the managers come back with extra work you can take home with you on the weekends.”
I smiled at his added stipulations. “Thanks.” I looked down at my watch as his gaze pressed on me. “It’s close to my lunch appointment, and I can’t be late. Dee gave me a special coupon for his favorite customers, when I tried to cancel with him.”
Gregor smiled at me as he waved me out. I hurried and grabbed my handbag and coat, and left the office.
I was halfway to Herald Square at a fast pace, weaving almost effortlessly through the afternoon crowded pavement. The impromptu vendors sharing knockoffs, and tourists staring up at the buildings, were the only ones that slowed my steps as I slipped around them. I followed the flow of the rest of the New Yorkers on a path to our destinations. Mine was Dee Angelo’s Salon.
I was looking forward to seeing Dee and getting a fresh new look. I breezed through the front door. I accepted a nod from Rachael, the receptionist, as I made my way around the reception desk to Dee’s station. Dee was on his cellphone as I approached his black leather chair. His purple contact-colored eyes went wide, and his mouth dropped open. He motioned for me to remove my coat, and I hung it up on his coat rack.
“Who are you?” Dee asked as he greeted me.
His eyes squinted as he folded his arms.
“I’m ready for Mia Farrow.”
The shocked look Dee gave me had me double over with laughter.
“You may be as thin as Mia was in that movie now,” Dee said, his eyes scrutinizing me. “I think that suit is Chanel, but it looks like a bargain bin special hanging off you like that.”
I pursed my lips, as I didn’t have a good comeback. Dee was, as always, dressed in designer casual wear, a printed T-shirt and jeans.
“Hardly that thin, and you’re right about the suit,” I said, sticking out my bottom lip. “It’s a parting gift from my ex-roommate, Natasha. I wore it to impress you.”
“You look like the girl from that movie… Tim Burton’sCorpse Bride.” He wrinkled his nose. “You’re pale, your eyes look dead, and don’t get me started on your skin. What’s up with you? Because, girl, you need to rethink, rewind, and fix this shit.”
I crossed my arms. “Hey, what happened to your policy of saying something positive to every customer?”
“I do when they need to hear it. But, lady, you need an intervention,” Dee said, pausing for effect. I didn’t know what to say as he patted my shoulder. “Even though I said I would love to cut this mane off, and I just may have to soon, since your hair is all uneven and broken off. There is no way I’m doing it when you’re all messed up. Tell me what’s going on,” he said as he began wetting and trimming my hair.
I kept my tone relatively even as I filled him in on all the drama in my life, alluding to the physical assault and threats by Declan while placing more emphasis on my moving on, and putting everything behind me.
“Shit, girl. Where did you meet that loser?” Dee asked. “I’ve got a can of pepper spray you’ll be leaving with today. We need to get some sleep in you. Get rid of those dark circles, and some meat on you to throw his ass down next time.”
I shook my head and let out a sad laugh. “I’ve got plenty of meat, thanks.”
He frowned at me as he finished up the cut and started styling my hair. “Girl, you’re letting that piece of shit get to you. If we’re talking about that ugly dude you were with a while ago, then he had no right to say shit. I mean, he was no model his damned self.”
I lifted my chin. “So, according to your logic, only model hot men can treat us like shit?”
Dee smoothed down his hair. “No, not at all. I’m just saying, you’re hot. And from what I saw of him when you were with him, he didn’t have any right to throw stones, especially not at a beauty like you. Well, until you started messing with what you had working for you.”
I snorted. “I came here for a lift, Dee. I’m going to give you a poor rating online for this.”
He snickered. “You wouldn’t dare.”
We laughed together as he continued working on my hair.
After he was done, Dee bent down and hugged me. “I’m worried about you, girl. Take a long, hard look at yourself. You need to get it together. I better hear from you soon. Now, get back to work before your boss comes after you.”
I couldn’t answer around the lump forming in my throat, so I simply gave him a hug.
Once back outside, I drooped, and realized I was tired from my run and exercise the night before. I walked down the street, and picked up another lettuce and cucumber salad from the Korean deli and made my way to the office. As I walked inside, Olivia, stopped me at the front desk.
“Lily?” she asked. “You have a visitor waiting for you.”
“Finally,” a voice behind me exhaled.