Page 6 of The Interlude
“Is that why he called and tried to push me to move our presentation up to this week?” Gregor asked.
My eyes widened and my mouth parted. “He can’t do that. We’re not ready.”
Gregor nodded in agreement. “He insisted on your presence. But now that I see you, there is no way I’ll let that happen. Why don’t you take the week off?”
My throat ached. “I can’t do that. You need me to help.”
Gregor shook his head. “No way in hell will I risk Jonas Crane seeing you hurt and working for me, especially after what happened last week… I’m sorry.”
I crossed my arms. Gregor couldn’t bring himself to mention the kiss. He had been drunk, and it wasn’t that big of a deal. But ever since then, he had been avoiding me. “I know. But I need to work right now.”
It’s all I’ve got.
He frowned. “Okay. You can work from home on some of the new business we generated from the conference. For which, you will be happy to know, I will be able to swing a bonus. The raise may come later. Mia and Seth will work the Crane meeting.”
I shook my head. “I should be there to help. When is it?”
He exhaled. “Not telling you, as you’re not invited. And, really, how do you think Jonas will react if I let you work and you’re hurt?”
Gregor shuddered.
I made a face, but inwardly it thrilled me to think about Jonas’s attention and protectiveness of me. However, I didn’t want Jonas fighting with Gregor.
“You’re right, Gregor,” I relented. “It’s better I don’t get involved with the presentation.”
“Good.” Gregor smiled and continued in a soft tone. “Did you have dinner?”
“Yes. I did,” I looked down.
I will after he leaves. So it’s not exactly a lie.
He hesitated, but didn’t challenge me. “Good. I’ll send you some work for the week. I want you home for at least a few days. But if you change your mind, you can take some time off. You won’t lose your job, I promise.” He paused for a moment. “Put some meat on that eye. The bruises are… God.Iwant to kill him.”
My phone rang and I excused myself to retrieve it from the bedroom. It was a message from Ian.
I’ll be out of town for the next few days, but when I get back I’d like to meet and have you sign papers. How about Thursday after work? We could make it an early dinner?
I bit my lip. The trip I was supposed to be on with Jonas to San Francisco was Thursday, not that I was going.
We didn’t need to meet for dinner. But I didn’t want to be rude, so I conceded.
Okay. But it’ll have to be an early dinner. I have a lot of work to catch up on.
He texted back immediately
Great. I’ll pick you up at Arch Publishing at 5:30 p.m.
I frowned down at my phone. Did Ian think this was a date? And would Gregor let me back at the office by Thursday?
I made my way back to my seat on the couch.
“Jonas?” Gregor wiped his hand across his face.
I shook my head. “Lawyer with papers to sign.”
“Good. I hope you do press charges.”
I smiled weakly. “It’s precautionary. I really just want to move on.”