Page 64 of The Interlude
Changing back into my clothing, I peacefully went back to the suite with Carrie, and she opened the door for me. Before it closed, she had someone drop off a couple of bags “complimentary” of the spa. I knew Jonas had done this again, but I was too blissful to care. I quickly sent a message to him.
That was wonderful, and now I’m exhausted. Do I have time for a nap?
He wrote back.
A short one. I should be back in an hour.
I went straight into the bedroom and flopped down on the freshly made bed. Before I reached REM, the sound of the door opening and a movement assailed my ears. Jonas had mentioned he wasn’t going to stay in the hotel. Was he running late?
A voice spoke loudly in the room. “Put the clothes in here.”
I sat up and watched Melissa Finch cross the doorway and stand in the bedroom. She looked stunning in a designer black dress and stilettos. Her long, blonde hair was perfectly styled in smooth waves. Her blue eyes narrowed, breaching her flawless profile as her attention settled on me.
“We need the bed changed, too.”
“Yes, Ms. Finch,” a bell person said as he rolled a cart in with a full set of high-end luggage.
I was wide awake now and tried to straighten up. I tightened my ponytail and smoothed my shirt in place.
“Hello, Melissa,” I muttered.
She eyed me coolly. “Would you mind getting up? I need someone to come in here and getourroom together.”
My heart constricted and I stood up, following her command of me.Their room. Jonas wasn’t mine.
“Sorry,” I mumbled and stood as guilt crashed over me.
Whether Jonas was willing to acknowledge it or not, and whatever type of label he had for the two of them, he had cheated on Melissa with me.
“Dad didn’t tell you to make her get up. He said he would do it.”
Jonas’s teenage son, Paul, said as he entered the room. He was a miniature version of Jonas with his dark wavy hair and chiseled face. His sea blues, like Jonas’s, shone with mischievousness. His wide smile was all Dani. He did an overtly obvious assessment of me, and the corners of his mouth turned down.
“You’re still hot, but you don’t look so good.”
Melissa laughed while my head tilted down and I fidgeted with my feet. Out of the mouths of babes.
“I’m alright. Good… Good to see you again, Paul,” I stuttered.
“I’d still date you in a heartbeat,” he said and winked at me.
I let out a huff and folded my arms as he chuckled.
“I’d like both of you to go into the living room,” Melissa said, bringing our attention to her.
I wasn’t too happy with being ordered around like a child, and neither was Paul. He planted his feet and crossed his arms like he wouldn’t be moved without force.
“One,” he said. “I don’t take orders from you. And this is my dad’s suite, not yours.” His snark was palpable. “Two, you’re lucky I don’t want to be in here with you either.”
Melissa faced towards him. “Three,” she chided. “You don’t speak to me with disrespect. I’ll have to mention your attitude to Jonas.”
She scowled at Paul, but he smirked, apparently unfazed by her threat.
“Wedon’t want to be in here with you anyway,” Paul spoke for the two of us and motioned for me to follow.
I found myself chasing after him. My heart pounded in my chest as I passed by Melissa. I didn’t know why, but I was afraid of her. I suppose because I had never had the experience of being the other woman.
Before I closed the door, she called out, “Get someone to change the bedding, now. It stinks in here.”