Page 67 of The Interlude
“Dun dun dun dun, the plot thickens,” Paul said, and laughed. “Damn it. No popcorn.”
He leaned against the wall.
Jonas’s eyes flashed to Melissa, who rose to walk over to him. “You told me you were hung up in arrivals at the airport, but Paul texted to tell me otherwise. Why didn’t you call me?” He was met with silence as all the air left the room. “What’s going on?”
“Don’t I get a greeting?” Melissa asked and touched his arm.
Jonas’s gaze shot to me, and I didn’t disguise my hurt or hostility.
He stepped away from her and asked again, “What’s going on?”
“Melissa said you’re her boyfriend and for Lily to stop fucking you,” Paul chimed in.
Jonas’s eyes flashed. “She what?” His anger filled the room, but I couldn’t yet tell where it was directed. “Wait… Paul, go down to the car. I’ll have David run you back home.”
“Oh, come on, Dad. I don’t want to leave. Hey, I can help out. She even offered up a friend of hers for Lily to stay with,” Paul said, a little too much glee in his voice.
“That’s enough,” Jonas barked.
Paul shut his mouth, but didn’t remove the grin on his face. Jonas pulled out his phone and made a call. His voice was the only sound in the room. Once he finished he turned back to his son.
“Sorry, Paul. We’ll have our own day together this weekend. I promise,” Jonas said.
“Don’t sweat it, Dad. I understand you have your hands full. I can only hope to have the same trouble one of these days.”
Jonas gave him a pained look. “I hope not, son. I’m sorry.”
“It really is okay, Dad,” Paul said in a moment of seriousness. He looked over at me. “I’m rooting for you, kid.”
I blanched.
Paul snapped his fingers. “I was going for a blush. See ya.”
Jonas hugged him and closed the door behind him.
“Now what the fuck is going on?” Jonas asked. “Sit down, both of you.”
Melissa went dutifully over to her seat on the couch, but I wasn’t ready to fall in line.
“I’d rather stand.” I said.
His brow rose at me as he settled in the chair I had previously occupied.
“Just another example of her trying to control you,” Melissa said.
Manipulating bitch.I conformed and went to take a seat. I sat on the couch and scooted as far away as I possibly could from Melissa.
“First of all,” Jonas said tersely. “I don’t know what you were thinking or why you would speak that way in front of my son. He is off limits.” His eyes bore into Melissa’s. “Don’t ever,everspeak that way in front of him again.”
“He would have found out anyway,” she said.
“His finding out ismychoice, not yours. You’renothis mother, Dani is. And the two of us are raising him. Not you, Melissa. Not you.”
Her hand trembled slightly as she smoothed her dress in place on her lap, the only evidence she was disturbed by his words. “Fine. I don’t think that’s healthy, but fine. You really can’t blame me for being upset that you brought your ex back over and spent the night with her, though. You told me you would give us a try again.”
“As companions,” Jonas said. “We’re not in a commitment, Melissa. You’re not my girlfriend.”
“Neither is she,” Melissa said hotly.