Page 51 of Dissolution
I nodded sweetly. “I’ll try my best.”
“Good girl.”
Hm. Maybe it was time to finally be bad.
Everything was fine one minute, and the very next, the dining room windows shattered, glass flew everywhere, along with the silverware and chunks of fine white china. I was too shocked to do anything but just sit there until Santino dove over the table and slammed me into the floor.
Gunshots exploded so loud that I couldn’t think; my ears were buzzing despite my trying to cover them.
I’m sure it lasted only a few seconds. His body pressed me against the hardwood floor, one arm behind my head, as the other reached for his gun. Still shielding me, he turned sideways and started firing off shots, the rest of the men not far behind him. But he was doing something I didn’t expect; while still protecting me, he was completely bare to any bullets that could whiz by him. The rest of the men had different pieces of furniture that had fallen in front of them; the wives weren’t much different. They all had guns.
Seriously. Everyone had guns.
They were just as intense as the guys, and while looking around me, seeing the bravery and anger in their faces—even with one of them being pregnant, I realized that no matter the trauma.
I had to face the pain.
The gunshots ended.
Spent shells were everywhere. Who had a shotgun?
Tex dropped a pump-action long gun onto the table, laid his hands down on it then spoke in a loud voice. “Who?”
Someone, Dom I think, came running into the room, blood flowing freely down his arm. It looked like he’d gotten in a fight giving him a black eye and cut lip. “Seventeen, they sent seventeen bastards after you guys. We got most of them but didn’t realize they’d sent in another crew to finish up the job just in case.”
“Body count,” Tex barked.
“Twenty-five dead.”
“Family crest?” he ground out.
The room fell silent. Dom’s eyes met Santino’s before he answered. “Sinacore, we think it’s the brother.”
Santino’s brother?
It had to be.
Santino nodded his head and threw his gun onto the table. “Guess my marriage is off now since I can’t go home.”
“They sent a hit on you too,” Tex said.
“They’ll cleanse us all until they have everything.” Andrei sighed and looked over to Santino. “So now, do you truly understand why you’re here?”
Santino leaned over the table, and that was when I noticed he was bleeding. His white shirt was stained with red by his stomach, and he was clenching his teeth in pain.
“You’re hurt.” I crawled to my knees and winced at the sting in my knee when some of the glass pierced my skin.
“He’s fine.” Andrei kept staring at Santino. “You do realize that if something happens to me, the Family doesn’t go to my wife. It doesn’t revert to you. It goes to my blood.”
I frowned at that.
And then every eye in that room turned toward me.
I almost fell again when my brother said, “Women can be bosses too.”
“I know.” Santino bit down on his lower lip.
“Train her well,” Andrei snapped before looking over at Tex. “Find her a Family to marry into immediately.”