Page 3 of Daddy's Girl
“Daddy!” She playfully socks me in the arm and at the same time, I shoot her a glance.
I can tell she’s embarrassed by calling me that because it’s been Everest up until now. Her face gets red quickly too, but I think it’s cute. And I should not be finding that cute.
“So,” Lexi says as if to quickly get over the growing tension in the air between us. “Is this like our first official father/daughter adventure?”
“Yep,” I say, moving towards the rabbit laying dead in the snow.
That’s right. She’s my daughter and I’m her father and there’s no way in fuck that I should even be considering anything else. That’s just fucked up on a whole other level.
I grab the rabbit by its ears before turning around. Lexi smiles at me again, a hopeful look in her eyes, but I just brush past her. She doesn’t need to be getting any ideas in her head. It’s just wrong and as an adult, I should know better. But do I know better? I just hope I think with my brain and not my cock, because God knows I only have so much self-restraint.
“We need to get back,” I tell her.
The sky is getting darker and it’s getting colder. Hopefully, this weekend will just go as I had planned and I can keep myself the fuck away from her.
We both walk back in silence and when we reach the cabin, Lexi grabs her backpack and quickly retreats into the room, probably to get away from me because I’m already being an asshole to her.
She doesn’t need that. She really needs me to be there for her, because, after the things the social worker had told me and the pictures I’d seen of Lexi and the kinds of abuse she’d been suffering, I know she’s been living in hell for most of her life and that is partly my fault. Actually a lot of my fault. But, fuck, if I could turn back the time and make better decisions, I would.
Lexi closes the door and that’s when a brutal realization hits me.
Fuck. There’s only one room and one bed. I’ll probably let her take the bed and I can rough it up on the floor because it’s just for two nights. I should have probably thought about this before deciding to take this trip because now it’s not looking so great.
I get a fire started in the fireplace and leave Lexi alone while I start skinning the rabbits. Hopefully, we can just put all the awkwardness behind us and just have a good, relaxing weekend.
Three: LEXI
It’s late and dark outside. The wind is howling like crazy out there, but thankfully the cabin is nice and cozy.
I’ve been in the cabin’s only room since we came back from hunting and I don’t feel like going back out there, but I have to eventually.
This tiny room has a single bed against the corner of the room, with a huge glass window next to the right side of the bed, that looks out into the vast winter wonderland. There’s a desk across from the bed and it’s stacked with books and poetry and notes. Small notes where he wrote about the weather and hunting and one that made me laugh was a reminder to “Fix that damn cabin door”.
Everest has the prettiest handwriting ever. It’s neat and precise.
But that doesn’t mean he isn’t an asshole.
Something happened between us earlier. It was when I was holding the Remington and stepped back into him. I could feel him. I could feel his cock to be precise and some fucked up part of me thought it would be a good idea to press my ass against him.
Just doing that, I could feel that huge bulge getting hard.
I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking by doing that and I clearly pissed Everest off by doing that, because right after I had shot the rabbit, he started to act all cold. Especially after I called him daddy. I’m not even sure what made me call him that when I’ve been calling him by his name all this time.
Now things are awkward as fuck and I am too ashamed to go back out there and face him. But I have to grow a pair of balls and face my actions sooner rather than later.
I head into the adjoining bathroom first and decide to have a bath first. Everest told me he owned the cabin for a few years now and he spent a few summers doing the place up. It really is amazing and not shabby at all. I guess that’s the perk of being an architect.
The bathroom has a single marble bathtub with a hand-held shower head and next to the tub is a huge glass wall with a thick fur tree right outside.
I strip out of my clothes as I wait for the tub to fill and when it’s almost to the top, I shut the faucets off and climb into the steaming hot water.
Immediately, I feel all the muscles in my body set and the cold is replaced by the heat.Shit, it feels so good. Sliding my hands down my tits, I pinch my nipples. They are soft from the warmth of the water, but as I continue to roll the buds between my fingers, they start to get hard.
Just then there’s a tap on the bathroom door. My eyes snap open and I hold my breath. My right hand slides down my stomach until I’m sliding my fingers in between my pussy folds, while I keep my eyes on the door.
“Hey,” he says on the other side.
I press my fingers against my clit and for a moment I imagine him touching me there, circling me with his fingers, spreading my pussy with those long calloused fingers of his.Fuck, that would feel so good.