Page 44 of The Rebel Heir
Her grandmother had longed to teach. She had done so until she’d reached retirement age.
Her mother had yearned to marry her “Bear” and have a child. She had. Devoted herself to it. She hadn’t gone to work until Jillian had graduated high school. Now she worked as a clerk at the county courthouse, but marriage and motherhood had been her everything.
Her father’s love of cars was bred from childhood and now he was an auto mechanic for a dealership. Another dream realized.
Cole threw his all into everything. Be it his love of motorcycles, his food truck, or now a desire to succeed at his position at Cress, INC.
If I run home to them while they have lived their dreams, am I giving up too easily on my own?
Jillian turned and leaned against the rear of the building, looking up at the afternoon sun.
Maybe it is time for a new dream...
“Good afternoon, Chef.”
She looked over and smiled at one of the waiters walking up to the restaurant to begin his shift.
“Afternoon,” she said just as her phone vibrated inside her pocket. She removed it and looked at the screen.
She swiped to answer his call.“Bonjour Monsieur Cress. Ça fait plaisir d’avoir de tes nouvelles?”she said, trying to use the French he was teaching her to let him know it was good to hear from him.
He chuckled. “Not bad.”
“Considering you only taught me that and how to demand you get naked for me,” she added.
“Say it.”
“Rends-toi nu pour moi,”she said, enjoying seeing his handsome face smile with pride.
“I wish I was somewhere private and then I would,” he assured her, his voice deep and delicious to her ears.
Jillian paused in making a naughty comment at all of the bustling activity behind him. “Whereareyou?” she asked.
“Checking in on the preparation for the launch party tomorrow night.” He looked back over his shoulder.
“Oh,” she said.
He faced his phone again. “What’s wrong?” he asked, knowing her so well.
“Nothing,” she said.
Not getting an invite to the event was the side effect of their secret affair. She wanted nothing more than to buy a beautifully sexy gown and attend.
“You’re more than welcome, Jillian,” he said, as if reading her thoughts. “I didn’t want to put you in a position to have to choose between having me or having your job...again.”
She forced a smile and nodded. “But what if I chose you?” she asked.
He looked surprised.
“Would you have me at your side as your guest? Your date?” she asked, hating that she wasn’t sure he would.
His face became serious. “Without question.”
Warmth spread over her chest.
“Then I do have a choice to make,” she said, refraining from sharing with him another sentence she was teaching herself via her phone’s translator.