Page 93 of Madam, May I
She set the phone facedown on the desk along with the rest and cut off the television. “Come in,” she said.
Tasty and Denzin both entered. He claimed a seat on the edge of her desk and she stood before it. Desdemona eyed the shortbread cutie with wide eyes and pug nose with a dimpled chin whose short hair perfectly framed her round face. “Hello, beautiful people. What’s up?” she asked, sitting back and crossing her legs in the burnt rose gold dress she wore with matching metallic heels.
“I wanted to tell you in person that I’m done. Probably one more session should do it, and I will be graduating from law school next month debt-free,” she said, smiling and revealing the gap in her teeth that worked for her cuteness. “I’m ready to focus on taking the bar and getting to work as soon as possible.”
Desdemona gave her a warm smile. “Your regulars will miss you, but I am happy for you,” she said, rising to come around the desk and offer her a hug. “You got in, reached your goals, and now you’re getting out.”
Tasty returned the hug.
“Now hopefully I will never need your legal expertise, Miss Solicitor,” Desdemona joked as she came back around her desk.
Denzin chuckled as he eyed them both. “I told her the same thing about me,” he said.
Tasty’s eyes became serious. “If there ever was an issue, Mademoiselle, I’d be there for youfor free,” she said.
Desdemona shook her head. “No, you wouldn’t, because I would not let you. It would bring too much attention to you and a possible connection with me,” she explained, rising again to walk across the room to her closet for two wineglasses and two fresh bottles of her favorite wine.
She paused, thinking of her GED test coming up that weekend. She truly admired the woman finishing law school, especially when she had no clue what her next step would beifshe passed. “Let’s toast to you,” she said, walking back into the room to hand the unopened bottle to her. “This one is for you to take.”
“Wow. Thank you,” Tasty said.
Desdemona set the glasses on the desk next to her half-empty one and used the open bottle to fill their glasses before handing them each one. “Congratulations, Tasty, may you kick ass in every court in which you show up with your extraordinary black girl magic,” she said, a twinkle in her eye.
“Hear, hear,” Denzin agreed, lightly tapping his glass to each of theirs.
“Now, to make sure you have all the study time you need and to send you on your journey as soon as possible,” Desdemona began, sitting down and removing a stack of money from her tote under the desk. “You are done as of today. I will reschedule the session you have for tomorrow and set you free.”
She set the money on the desk and slid the five thousand dollars with one pointed fingernail toward her.
Tasty’s eyes widened as she set the glass down and picked up the money. “This is enough to pay my final law school bill, Mademoiselle.”
“Good. Go be great, Tasty,” she said, finishing her wine in one deep swallow before picking up her phone and pretending to open emails. In truth, she wanted to avoid any back-and-forth of pleading with the woman to take it.
“Thank you,” she stressed.
Well, that was easy.
Desdemona looked up from the phone in surprise and amusement. “Go. Be great,” she repeated.
Tasty nodded with enthusiasm before quickly coming around the desk to hug her again before doing the same with Denzin and then taking her bottle of wine and cash before she left with one last wave.
“Man, boss, you some black girl magic your damn self,” he said.
Desdemona felt truly happy. “You know what, Denzin, I fucking agree,” she said, allowing herself to finally feel proud that she was willing and able to dole out good will.
“To you,” he said, raising his glass in a toast.
“Tochange,” she corrected before they toasted.
* * *
“Hello, neighbor.”
Desdemona paused in unlocking the door to her condo. She turned to find a thirty-something woman with the kind of curls and complexion that made her heritage difficult to place. “Hello,” she said, before turning back to her door.
“Actually, I’m new in the building and thought I’d introduce myself.”
Desdemona looked pensive for a moment before straightening her face and turning again. The woman now stood behind her with the door to her apartment ajar.