Page 52 of The Coldest Winter
“Let me have you first,” he whispered, trailing kisses down my neck. Shivers of wants and desires filled me as I watched his eyes dilate and his mouth began to taste every inch of me. I didn’t know it was possible to be turned on by the simple way that another studied you, touched you, and explored you. Milo laid me against the bed and worshipped me as if I were a goddess. His hands roamed over my body as he took his time kissing every single inch of me. And when I said every inch, I meant he did not miss a single spot. His mouth connected to my skin as if he were famished and in need of my existence so he could survive for another day. He pulled me to the edge of the bed. My legs dangled over the side, and he lowered himself to a kneeling position in front of me.
His mouth kissed the silk fabric of my panties as his thumb began to rub my clit through the fabric of the panties.
I moaned in pleasure as the slight touch sent a wave of excitement through my system.
His fingers wrapped around the edges of my panties, and he began moving them down slowly. Once he removed them, he kissed my inner thighs, making my hips arch up in need.
“Part your legs, Star,” he ordered. “I want to see all of you.”
My legs widened, and he moved right between them. His mouth found my clit, and he sucked it slowly before flicking his tongue against it a few times. I cried out, wanting more and more of his explorations. He pressed the palms of his hands against my thighs, opening me up wider. “I wish you could see how beautiful you look,” he whispered before he slid a finger inside me.
Every step of the night felt as if it were moving in slow motion yet moving too quickly at the same time. I savored every second of Milo as he took me in.
What was it we were doing that night?
It wasn’t just sex like the first night we’d met. I knew that for a fact. Yet I wasn’t sure if it was love yet either. What was the thing between those two realms?
That was what we were doing that night.
We were falling for one another.
Falling, falling, falling…
I woke to an empty bed. Starlet was nowhere to be found. An instant knot of worry built inside my gut as I became concerned that she regretted the night prior. I’d never truly cared about rejection until that very moment.
The night before was one of the best nights I’d had in a long time. I’d daydreamed about tasting every inch of Starlet since the first night we’d met. The only difference between when we first hooked up compared to last night was, well…everything. I felt everything for Starlet Evans. I felt more than I knew a coldhearted person like me could feel for another person.
I rubbed the exhaustion out of my eyes. Whenever I woke up, there were a few seconds of darkness, even when my eyes were fully open. It took a few moments for my vision to reappear, and when I saw Starlet wasn’t there, I feared she’d returned to reality and realized what had happened the night prior was a mistake for her.
That was my ultimate fear—her realizing I was nothing more than a mistake.
Before my mind could trauma dump its toxic thoughts of me being unworthy, the hotel door opened, and Starlet walked in with a tray of coffee and muffins.
“Good morning, sunshine.” She smiled brightly, bundled up in her winter gear.
A sigh rolled through my system. She came back.
“Morning,” I muttered, rubbing my eyes once more as I sat up in bed. “What time is it?”
“A little past nine. You’re a good sleeper.”
“How long have you been up?”
“Since around six. I figured I’d get an early hike in and watch the sunrise.”
“You’ve been hiking already? This morning?”
She nodded as she placed the tray of goods down. She then took off her coat and shoes. “What can I say? You unlocked my love of hiking. I just needed to see what the sunrise looked like this morning before we headed back to town.”
“I would’ve gone with you. You could’ve woken me up.”
She grabbed a muffin and coffee and approached me. She placed it on the desk beside the bed and leaned in to kiss me. It felt good to know we were still kissing. I somewhat feared that when the sun came up, the kissing between us would stop.
“You looked too cute sleeping. I didn’t want to wake you up. Besides, I had to make sure everything was in order for our last activity today before we headed back home.”
I raised an eyebrow. “Last activity?”