Page 72 of Love Song
Fucking hell, this was actually happening, and it felt all too perfect.
After our final song, the audience held up their phones while we gathered in a huddle in the center of the stage.
“That was a kick-ass show,” Perry said. “Let’s give them what they want, and this time I might even join in.”
“You shithead,” Nolan said with a laugh, but I could see in his gaze the affection he had for Perry. Along with the relief that, just maybe, everything would be okay.
We pulled out our acoustic instruments and ended the show with the same ballad. Some in the audience even sang along to the new song, which blew my mind. It didn’t completely click for me, though, until I heard Perry join in on the keyboard. It was subtle but felt profound nonetheless. Obviously, to Nolan as well, because he turned and offered his friend an appreciative smile. When I glanced Anthony’s way, he gave me the thumbs-up as his drumstick lightly tapped the cymbal. It felt like we were a team again—undoubtedly a better version—and I couldn’t be more pleased.
“Hey, do you think you could help me out?” a guy in the audience called out after the final note.
Nolan glanced at me before speaking into the microphone. “With what?”
He clapped the guy next to him on the shoulder. “Tell my childhood friend we won’t ruin anything if we take that leap.”
Holy hell. Suddenly my legs ate the distance between my guy and me, and I reached for his hand. “It’s scary at first, but if it works out, it’s the best thing ever.”
“Take that leap,” Nolan added. “You might find your love song too.”
The crowd collectively held their breath as the two men turned to each other, and my chest ached, the scene bringing me back to my first time with Nolan so many months ago. The longing, the tension, the hesitant brush of lips.
Tears sprang to my eyes as the crowd cheered in support of them. I felt Nolan’s arms wind around me, and then he was spinning and dipping me before planting a kiss on my lips. “Couldn’t pass up the opportunity.”
“Be still my beating heart,” I replied when I was upright again. “You are a romantic.”
Nolan winked. “Just you wait.”
One Year Later
“Here’s the key. Do you want to do the honors?” Ellis asked as we stepped to the door of our new townhouse off Huron Parkway. It was more affordable than buying a larger property, and it offered a patch of grass in a fenced-in backyard where Ellis could plant to his heart’s desire. The excitement in his eyes when he spotted the garden was palpable, and he immediately began listing different flowers for all the seasons. It was precious, and I was a sap for anything that pleased him.
The last year felt like a dream. To be in love with my best friend and have some of our shared goals come to fruition was pretty heady.
“Go for it,” I said, noting that brightness in his eyes that always made me melt. I might not have wanted this for myself—or really, allowed myself to imagine it—but I sure as hell ended up being great boyfriend material, if I did say so myself.
Handcrafted guitar and love ballad, anyone? Though I’d set the bar a bit high for all the following years of our life together.
Just as he put the key in the door and turned the knob, my hands were under him and scooping him into my arms.
“What the hell are you doing?” he asked with a startled laugh.
“Isn’t this what people do when they buy a house?” I asked, hoping like hell I didn’t drop him. The man weighed more than me, but I was determined.
Ellis arched a brow. “Um, that’s when you get married.”
I felt a stab of jealousy. “Did you do this with your ex?”
He frowned. “No, we never did anything like this.”
“Fuck, I’m an idiot. I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t be. She wasn’t the right person for me, not like the guy trying not to get crushed by the weight of me.”
“Maybe after we get married, you’ll be the one carrying me inside.”
“You’d want that?” Ellis looked as gobsmacked as I felt that I’d even uttered those words.
“With you? No question.”
Ellis’s smile was blinding, sending butterflies soaring in my stomach.
What had this man done to me? I hated for us to be separated for even one night, so we’d either stay at his place or mine, and if we had plans with other friends, we’d slip into each other’s beds after midnight.
Initially, we’d gotten on the waiting list for a two-bedroom rental apartment until Annabeth floated the prospect of buying something smaller—she and Collin had been considering that as well. Our parents also loved the idea, instead of us wasting our hard-earned money on rent. They’d even helped us with the down payment, something we weren’t expecting but were grateful for just the same.