Page 69 of Voss (Henchmen MC Next Generation)
“Alright,” I said, forcing a smile.
“Liar,” he accused, but his eyes were warm.
“I’ll be alright,” I said. “Thank you again, for getting all the stuff for Irwin. He seems happier already.”
“Anything he—or you—need, just let me know.”
“Sorry you had to pick up bugs. I know that can be… kinda gross.” It had taken me weeks to get used to handling them. And by ‘handling,’ I mean shaking them from their container into a cup then tipping that cup into his bowl.
“Dealt with an infestation of hornworms on my tomatoes one year. Those Dubia bugs are nothing in comparison,” he said, grimacing.
“You garden?” I asked.
“Got a ranch. Grow food, tend animals. All that,” he said, shrugging it off.
“That’s really interesting. Do you miss it? Now that you’re here?” I asked.
“Every day,” he agreed, nodding. “But I’ll be back to it eventually. Think Sully’s making you French toast,” he said, nodding back to the kitchen, then taking a sip of his weird, grayish protein shake.
“You don’t want any?” I asked.
“I’m all set,” he said, waving his shake, then moving away.
I was about to make my way into the kitchen when Sully came out, my tray from the night before in his hands. Voss must have brought it out with him.
“There she is,” he greeted me in yet another new Hawaiian shirt, this one light green with white dinosaurs all over it. I swear, the guy must have had stock in a Hawaiian shirt company with the variety he seemed to have. I’d been at the clubhouse for a few weeks already, and I don’t think I’d seen a repeat yet. “I didn’t forget our date,” he said, taking the tray over to the coffee table, and setting it down.
“I am looking forward to it,” I told him, snagging the blanket off the back of the couch, and wrapping myself in it before pulling the coffee table closer.
It turned out that sugar-coated carbs and silly rom-coms were exactly the medicine I needed. Mixed with doggy snuggles and the kind offers from all the guys in the club.
“Listen, I am going to get too used to this,” I told Brooks who offered to get me a coffee refill. “And then I am going to take full advantage of it, and have this entire club as my servants, waiting on my every want and need,” I warned him, getting a rare smile out of the man as I got off the couch for the first time in… two movies.
Voss was gone for the whole day, and each hour that passed had me more and more concerned about his whereabouts.
“Have you heard from Voss?” I asked when Valen came in for the first time.
I didn’t interact as much with Valen as I did with the prospects, but I knew he was Voss’s best friend. If anyone knew where he was or what he was up to, it would be him.
“Hey, Syl,” he said, head tipping to the side. “No, sorry. I haven’t heard from him. That’s why I’m here.”
“Should I be worried?” I asked.
“No,” he assured me. “Voss is… he’s used to doing shit on his own, and not having people to answer to.”
“He doesn’t have to answer to me,” I insisted.
“Didn’t mean that how it came out,” he said. “I just mean, he was on his own so long that he can forget that other people worry and wonder about him.”
“So, you’re not worried that he isn’t answering you?”
“He might be on a ride to clear his head. Or somewhere with low reception. He likes going out to get his head clear.”
And after the night before, and whatever he had done, I had to understand that.
“We all have our own… ways of dealing with shit,” I said.
“Yeah,” he agreed, nodding. “Speaking of, you okay? Need anything?”
“I have lost count of how many times I’ve been asked that today,” I said, but I was more grateful for it than I could have ever imagined.
“Voss said you didn’t really have much of a family growing up,” Valen said.
Less now than I thought since Ben had been a complete fucking creep. And I felt like I had to doubt every “road uncle” I’d ever considered like family to me.
“No, not really. Just me and my mom. Then after she passed, me and my dad.”
“Think maybe the universe is making up for all the times you weren’t asked if you were alright then,” he said, shrugging. “The club is good at that. Making shit right. Inviting you in. Making you family.”
“Yeah,” I agreed. “Even if Voss gets sick of me, I’m sticking around with the club,” I said.
“Trust me, babe, he’s not going to get sick of you. I’ve known him a long time. Never seen him have anything more than a passing interest in anyone. He’s sticking with you now.”