Page 114 of Beautiful
Beth reached for my arm. “Don’t faint like Mitch did!”
I was positive a look of horror moved over my face. Beth winked, and I forced a smile before heading off and following Mitch.
The day was amazing. Not a cloud in the sky, perfect temperature, not too hot and not too cold. The lake was a perfect blue. I knew it was all only a preview for the way Skylar’s gray eyes would look when I gazed into them and said our vows.
“I feel like my heart is about to pound out of my chest,” I whispered to Mitch.
He nodded and then slapped me on the back. “Dude, I know how you feel.”
Turning, I glanced back out at the sea of people seated. “Did Michelle’s mom ever show?”
It sounded like Mitch let out a huff. “No. She claimed she couldn’t get a flight out from Paris. Her dad is here, of course. Ever since Michelle asked him to help with Sky’s the Limit, he’s been spending a lot more time at home.”
I nodded.
Michelle’s parents had finally admitted their marriage wasn’t working, and they’d gotten a divorce. It hadn’t changed much of anything though. Michelle’s mother still stayed away, and her father buried himself in work when he was home. The good thing that had come out of the divorce was, her dad had gotten the house in the agreement, and in turn, he’d gifted it to Michelle and Mitch as a wedding gift.
The music changed, and I swore, the temperature jumped twenty degrees. When I glanced over to Mitch, he wore a huge smile.
I focused back on the aisle and watched as Skylar’s little cousin skipped toward me while throwing rose petals as high as she possibly could. Then, Michelle turned the corner and made her way down the aisle.
Taking a peek over to Mitch, I couldn’t help but smile. He couldn’t take his eyes off of his wife.
Skylar had been so mad when Mitch and Michelle decided to jet off to Vegas to get married last year. I didn’t blame them though. Michelle’s mother had made it a nightmare when they were trying to plan the wedding. Eventually, Michelle had told Skylar she was done trying. She’d focused on helping Sky with our wedding and told her that she and Mitch would have a wedding after she got out of law school.
“Here she comes, Wyatt,” Mitch said.
When the wedding march began to play, I swallowed hard and fought to remember how to breathe. Skylar turned the corner, and I felt my legs go weak.
“She’s stunning,” I whispered as I watched Skylar walk down the aisle, straight to me.
Her dress hugged her perfect body, all the way to her waist where it fanned out. It was like something a princess would wear. But nothing was more beautiful than those gray eyes. I could see them through her veil. They sparkled brighter than the brightest star in the sky, and I knew I would be looking into those eyes for the rest of my life.
Paul stopped just short of us. He turned and lifted Skylar’s veil, and my breath caught.
The pastor asked who would be giving her away.
Skylar’s father answered, “I do, her father.” Kissing each of her cheeks, he turned to me. “I’m only letting you borrow her. She’ll always be mine.”
I smiled and shook his hand. “Yes, sir.”
When I took Skylar’s hand in mine, we turned to the pastor. The next few minutes, I barely heard a thing he said. I couldn’t pull my eyes off the breathtaking sight in front of me.
Skylar was finally going to be mine. Forever. Our love was beyond beautiful. I couldn’t wait to build a future with her. To help see that all her dreams came true.
“You may kiss the bride.”
Finally. The words I’d been waiting for.
Cupping her face in my hands, I memorized the moment before kissing her lips. Softly and gently, I kissed my wife. The sounds of joy from our family and friends echoed around us as we slowly pulled apart.
“Hello, Mrs. Smith.”
A bright smile played across her face. “Hello, Mr. Smith.”
Nothing would top this day ever.
Unless I had a chance to catch Mitch fainting on camera. That would play right up there with today.
Skylar sat on my lap while wrapping her arms around my neck. “Is it time to leave yet?”
With a chuckle, I replied, “I wish. We could always sneak out.”
Pouting, she shook her head. “I already thought about that, but our parents would be so upset that they didn’t get to send us off.”
I nodded. “That’s true.”
My hand lifted, and I twirled my finger around one of the curls that framed her face. “Have I told you how beautiful you look?”
“You have, but I don’t think I will ever get tired of hearing it.”
Kissing the tip of her nose, I repeated what I’d been telling her all evening, “You look gorgeous. The most stunning bride I’ve ever seen.”