Page 4 of Beautiful
He sat down, and I glanced over toward Jenny and her posse. If looks could kill, I’d be on the floor right now. Trying not to look at them, I moved my gaze up toward Mrs. Hathaway, who was smiling the biggest smile I’d ever seen.
Mrs. Hathaway was also my next-door neighbor. She was one of the youngest teachers at my high school. She hated the way other students treated me, and she was always defending me. I was worried that, one of these days, it would come back to haunt her.
Jenny stood up and walked over toward my table. “Um…hey there. Wyatt, is it?”
Wyatt turned and looked at Jenny. “Yes, ma’am, it is.”
“I think you would be more comfortable sitting at my table.” She leaned over and flashed her breasts.
I rolled my eyes.
“If you know what I mean,” she said with a purr.
Wyatt smiled at her and turned to me, giving me a is-she-for-real look. He turned back around. “Thanks, but I’m rather comfortable here.”
Jenny stood up and looked stunned. “What?”
“Thank you, but no, thank you. I’m fine right where I am.”
“Jenny, please take your seat now,” Mrs. Hathaway called out.
I sat there for forty-five minutes, trying to pay attention to what was being said about Romeo and Juliet, but all I could really focus on was the drop-dead gorgeous guy. Every five minutes, he would bump his knee into mine and apologize. I felt like I was on a damn thrill ride with the way my heart was dropping and my stomach was fluttering.
Don’t get used to it, Skylar. The moment he finds out that hanging around you is committing social suicide, he won’t talk to you, let alone sit next to you tomorrow.
Right before class was over, Wyatt leaned over and tapped my shoulder. I looked at him and grinned.
“I was wondering if I might be able to borrow your notes during class tomorrow, just to get caught up. Mrs. Hathaway told me to ask someone. Who better to ask than the girl I’ve already seen twice?”
“Oh, um…yeah, sure. Of course! You can take them tonight if you want. I won’t need them. Our next test isn’t until next week,” I said as I handed him my notebook.
“Awesome! Thanks so much. By the way, I told you mine. Are you going to tell me yours?”
I shook my head, confused by what he was asking. “Tell you my what?”
The moment he smiled that crooked smile, I thought I was going to die. He had a dimple in his left cheek.
Oh dear Lord…
He laughed as he shook his head. “Your name, angel. What’s your name?”
My stomach dipped the second he called me angel. Not only was this guy handsome as hell, but his voice also held me captive.
“Oh!” I said with a small laugh. “Skylar. Skylar Woods.”
He smiled bigger as he reached for my notebook. When his hand brushed against mine, I wanted to let out a gasp. My whole hand felt like small bolts of lightning had just gone through it. He peered down at our hands, and then he looked up and captured my eyes. His eyes clearly showed he’d felt the same thing I did. My breathing picked up as Wyatt pinned me with his stare. I parted my lips to talk, but nothing came out. My mouth was instantly dry.
As the bell rang, he slowly moved his hand off of mine and smiled. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Skylar. I hope I see you around.”
“Same here, Wyatt. Welcome to Marble Falls,” I replied with a smile.
He stood up and started to walk off. I tried not to stare at him like a complete idiot. I noticed Mike Barnes and a few other football players stopped him to introduce themselves. They must all know that Wyatt was here to play football.
I glanced up toward Mrs. Hathaway as I gathered my things. She grinned and gave me a wink. I gave her a weak smile in return. After the football players started telling Wyatt about my past, I knew he would try to quickly distance himself from me.
Damn it. I hope I get my notes back.
* * *
I WASN’T ABLE to stop thinking about Skylar all day. I’d never seen such a beautiful girl before. That wavy, long dark blonde hair and those gray eyes of hers were burned into my mind. The moment I had seen her in the office this morning, I’d known I needed to get to know her. Her smile haunted my thoughts.
Then, when I had seen her in my English class, something had happened. It was something that had never happened to me before. My heart had started pounding, and my hands had started sweating. I’d felt like I couldn’t catch my breath. No girl had ever affected me in such a way.