Page 57 of Beautiful
“Four of us,” Michelle said.
We followed Beth over to a booth.
“Thanks, Beth,” Michelle and I said at once.
Quickly turning, she headed back to the front of the restaurant.
“Does it bother you that people are all of a sudden friendly to you again?” Michelle asked.
Pursing my lips, I thought about it for a few moments. “No. I’m glad things are slowly getting back to somewhat normal.”
I glanced down at my hand and the diamond ring on my finger. I was engaged. Even though I knew we were young and still had another few weeks of high school, it felt so right.
Placing my hand on the table, I slid it toward Michelle. She had her nose buried in the menu.
“So, Wyatt gave me something last night.”
She wiggled her eyebrows while she kept reading. “Oh, I bet he did. Three times, you lucky bitch.”
Sighing, I closed my eyes and barely shook my head. “That’s not what I was talking about.” I lifted my hand and turned it, so the diamond faced her. “Wyatt asked me to marry him before he made love to me.”
Michelle let out a gruff laugh. “I swear, you just said—” Dropping her menu, she stopped talking when she saw the ring on my finger.
I wasn’t expecting the reaction that came next.
“Oh. My. God!” Michelle screamed out as she grabbed my hand and jumped. “You’re engaged!”
I looked around the restaurant as I felt my cheeks heat up. “Michelle, will you please sit down and stop jumping? Everyone is staring.”
Michelle kept jumping. “I don’t care!”
Before I knew it, she dropped my hand and pointed to someone. When I glanced over my shoulder, my stomach dipped when I saw his beautiful smile.
“Holy crap! You asked her to marry you!” Michelle screamed out.
Mitch walked up and looked at Michelle, then me, and then turned to Wyatt. “You actually did it. I’m impressed.”
Michelle and I both said, “What?”
Hitting Mitch on the chest, Michelle gasped. “You knew, and you didn’t say anything to me?”
With a shrug, Mitch winked. “Sorry, baby. It was a secret, and we both know how you are with secrets.”
Wyatt leaned down and kissed me on the cheek before taking his seat next to me. My stomach fluttered, like it always did anytime he touched me. I had figured, after we’d made love, it would go away. When he reached for my hand and it felt like butterflies were going crazy, I couldn’t help but giggle.
“What’s so funny?” Wyatt asked.
I gazed into his green eyes and smiled. “Nothing. I’m just happy.”
He kissed the tip of my nose and grinned. “Good. Because I’m crazy happy.”
Michelle finally sat down and grabbed my hand again, gushing over the beautiful ring. Of course Beth had to walk back over and take a look. That caused another girl from school who was in the restaurant to walk up. Before I knew it, we had a small crowd gathered around us.
Wyatt must have sensed I was getting a bit unnerved by all the attention.
He finally stood up and said, “As much fun as this is…I’m starving y’all. We just want to eat breakfast.”
A few people walked off, whispering as they looked back at me. I narrowed my eyes at them and turned to Michelle. She had to have been thinking the same thing I was.
“Oh, I already know. Let the rumors fly,” she said.
Moaning, I buried my face in my hands.
“What are you talking about?” Wyatt asked.
I dropped my hands to my lap. “Nothing. Let’s just eat and enjoy breakfast.”
By the time the waitress brought my French toast, I had lost my appetite, but I forced myself to eat.
Wyatt immediately noticed the change in my mood. “Don’t let what anyone says bother you, Sky. You and I know the truth, and that is all that matters.”
Forcing the tears to stay at bay, I turned and looked at him. “They’re going to say I’m pregnant.”
Wyatt smiled. “So? We both know the truth. Just like we knew the truth about Charlie. If these people have nothing better to do than to talk about you, then I feel sorry for them. We have a few more weeks to go. Then, we’ll be in Italy and then on our way to Baylor. It’s just you and me, angel, from this point on.”
I knew what Wyatt was saying was true. Still, the thought of new rumors circling around made me feel sick.
Something hit me in that moment. Wyatt was right. Only I needed to know the truth. What everyone else might say or think about me didn’t matter. I had to make the choice if I was going to let whispered rumors bring me down.
That was an easy decision.
No. I was over letting people’s words tear me apart. I was no longer broken, and with the help of the people I loved and who loved me, I had built an army to get me to where I was.