Page 7 of Beautiful
She smiled and then dropped out of sight. I watched as she fell to the ground. Looking up, I saw Jenny and another girl walking by.
They both laughed before Jenny said, “Oh, sorry, strumpet.”
I leaned down and tried to help Skylar up, but she pushed my hand away. I could see tears building in her eyes, and it caused my chest to tighten.
“I’m fine.” She stood and started walking away at a fast pace.
“Skylar, wait.”
She walked into the classroom and made her way to the very back.
Does she sit, alone, in the back of every classroom?
Jenny grabbed my arm. “Empty seat here.” She wiggled her eyebrows.
“No, thanks.” I made my way over toward Skylar.
She was looking out the window, but she moved over a little when I sat down. I swore, she was crying.
For some reason, the idea of her crying broke my heart in two, and a feeling of never wanting to see her cry again washed over me.
* * *
IT TOOK EVERYTHING out of me not to look at Wyatt during calculus.
I glanced over toward Jenny. I hate her. I can’t even believe she used to be my best friend or that I was ever a part of their stupid cheerleading squad. I hate them all.
As soon as the bell rang, I jumped up and made my way out of the classroom. I practically ran to my locker. When I opened it up, a note fell out, and my heart jumped to my throat.
“Oh no,” I whispered. Reaching down, I picked up the note and began to read it.
Really, Skylar? Do you really think someone as attractive as Wyatt would ever be interested in the school tramp? You’re not even beautiful enough for Charlie to want you. Might as well give up now. Wyatt is only looking for an easy fuck.
Just seeing Charlie’s name made me want to throw up. I looked around, but no one was watching me. I ripped up the note and threw it back into my locker. I reached for my car keys. I never skipped school—ever. But I just couldn’t stand to stay here for another minute. I used to love school, but now, I dreaded coming here.
Making my way to the nurse, I told her I was feeling really sick. I never asked to go home, so I wasn’t surprised when she let me sign out without calling my mom or dad.
I got in my car and drove out to the lake. It was my place to clear my head and get all the hate out of my heart. I reached under the neckline of my shirt, and I pulled out the heart necklace that Skip had given to me.
“Anytime you need me, Sky, hold on to this necklace, and I’ll be with you.”
Tears burned in my eyes. I pulled in, parked, got out, and sat on the hood of my car. Why? Why did this happen to me? What did I do to deserve this?
I’d begged my parents to let me go to another school, but my father had said that I had to face my fears and stand up for myself, or they would always brand me as something I wasn’t. Only problem was, no matter how many people had tried to defend me, Charlie’s parents would somehow get to them and convince them that I was the one lying. Charlie’s father couldn’t have his son branded with a bad reputation as a rapist.
The person who had hurt me the most was Jacob. At first, he’d believed me, and then after one visit from Charlie’s father, Jacob had broken up with me and ignored me along with all my other so-called friends.
Oh my God, I was so stupid for trusting Charlie.
My cell phone vibrated in my back pocket. I reached for it and pulled it out to see a text from Mitch.
Mitch: Hey, where are you?
Me: I left school early. I needed fresh air.
Mitch: Sky, are you okay? What happened?
Me: Totally fine. Just need some time.
I loved my brothers and their constant need to protect me, but sometimes, I wanted to be by myself, alone in my own thoughts.
Turning my iPod on, I leaned back and slowly felt myself letting go of everything—every fear, hurtful word, painful memory. Each disappeared with every breath I took until I fell asleep.
I am dressed in a beautiful gown as Wyatt twirls me around. We laugh as he looks at me with such love in his eyes.
I never, ever wanted to wake up from this dream.
“Skylar?” I heard his sweet voice calling out for me.
This is the best dream ever.
“Skylar? You’re going to get sunburned, angel.”
Mmm…to feel his lips on mine would be heaven.
I wanted to know what it would be like to have someone kiss me with love and passion instead of lust and greed. Although I didn’t remember much about the night Charlie had raped me, I remembered enough that would haunt me until the day I died.