Page 86 of Beautiful
“No! I’m curious; that’s all. I swear, it’s not going to be weird. I hope you and Mitch work things out, but I also understand that you want to move on.”
Something passed over her face.
Sadness maybe?
Glancing down at the floor, Michelle kicked at something. “I love Mitch. I’m not sure if I’ll ever stop loving him, Sky. But…the hurt I feel in my heart is still so strong.”
Chewing on my lip, I did what I’d promised Wyatt I wouldn’t do. I butted in. “So, if you’re still hurting over Mitch, is now a good time to date someone?”
Michelle laughed and turned back around. “I’m not dating anyone. Zeb was nice enough to show me around. We walked around campus and went to dinner. That was it.”
I lifted a brow. “That was it?”
“Yep, that was it. I’m not going to lie and say I wasn’t hoping he would at least give me a hug. Or a kiss. Or cop a feel on a breast or two.”
“Michelle!” I gasped as I threw my pillow at her.
Laughing, she tossed it back at me. “Mitch is the only guy I’ve ever been with, Sky.” She shrugged. “I’m curious about what it would be like to kiss another guy, play around a bit…”
“Have sex?”
A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. “Maybe.”
But what about Mitch?
My biggest fear was that Michelle would rush into something with someone purely out of spite. A payback to Mitch for what he had done to her.
“Stop overthinking, Sky. I’m not going to go out and fuck a guy just to get back at Mitch.” She threw her eyes up in thought and sighed. “Or…maybe I will. He didn’t really think of me when he slept with that whore.”
My stomach twisted in knots. “Just don’t do anything you’ll regret. Once the action is done, you can’t take it back.”
Michelle’s eyes met mine. They flooded with tears as she softly spoke, “Believe me, nobody knows that better than I do.”
* * *
“WYATT!” MY MOTHER and Skylar yelled at once.
Rushing out of the bathroom where I’d just showered, I ran down the stairs, dripping wet with only a towel wrapped around my waist. “What’s wrong? What is it?”
Skylar turned to me, and her eyes widened in surprise and then turned dark with desire.
Shit. I hope I don’t get a hard-on.
Then, my mother rushed into the room.
Nope. No problem there.
“It’s snowing!” Skylar said with a giggle. Her eyes roamed over my body as she attempted to hide her red cheeks.
“Good Lord, son, go get dressed.”
My mouth dropped as I turned to my mother. “You screamed like something was happening.”
“Something is happening. It’s snowing! In Texas! And on Christmas Eve!”
With a chuckle, I turned and headed back up the stairs, taking them two at a time. “Let me get dressed,” I called back to Skylar and my mom.
“Hurry!” Skylar shouted back.
After getting my hair somewhat dry, I headed back downstairs. Skylar and my parents were in the kitchen. There had been some serious baking going on all day. I didn’t want to ever see a sugar cookie again for as long as I lived.
“So, is it still snowing?” I asked, walking into the room.
My father glanced over at me and smiled. “Yep. And, with the cold weather we’ve been having, it appears to be sticking.”
Skylar clapped her hands. “Oh, I love this kind of weather. Do you think it will stay for tomorrow? It would be a white Christmas.”
My mother was equally as excited. “Let’s hope.”
Spinning around, Skylar flashed me a huge smile. “Casey Romp sent me a text. Said a group of kids from high school are meeting at the park. A snowball challenge has been issued. Guys against girls.”
Grinning, I nodded my head. “Sounds like fun. Plus, we can see some old friends we haven’t seen in a while.”
Skylar’s smile faltered a bit before she recovered from whatever memory had hit her.
“Your hair is still wet, Wyatt!” my mother cried out.
Rolling my eyes at my mother, I walked over and kissed her on the cheek. “It’s fine, Mom.”
“If you cut that hair some, it would be dry by now, you know.”
I let out a moan as Skylar laughed. My hair wasn’t that long, but my mother liked it shorter than what it was.
“Mom, not again. I like my hair, and I’m not cutting it.”
She shrugged. “I’m only saying because you look like you’re sixteen when you’re almost twenty.”
“Twenty? Mom, I turned nineteen last August.”
“I know! And twenty is only eight months away.”
Lifting her brows, Skylar winked. “It does make you look younger.”
“Not you, too,” I said with a groan.
My father walked past me and hit me on the back. “Simply nod and tell her you’ll take care of it. The faster you learn that move, the better off you will be.”
A cookie sailed across the room and hit my father in the back of the head.