Page 8 of Addicted to the Ruin
My world becomes a storm of pain after that, one hurt rolling into another until there’s not a single part of me that doesn’t scream in agony or bleed. I’m lying on the cold floor again, along the front of my cell, my body spent and unable to hold my weight up anymore.
“See,” comes Dean’s whisper, his rancid breath fanning across my face and reminding me of stagnant water with dead things floating in it. “You may not be dead, girlie, but you’re almost there.”
He flips me onto my stomach, bile rising in my throat as my head swirls and the room tilts. My ribs protest—something is definitely fractured if not broken—but I can no longer make a sound, my throat raw from screams that I stopped hearing some time ago. My body jerks as he yanks my legs apart, agony screaming along my many hurts at the rough move. I’m so fucking dizzy and disorientated that I can’t even fight him off.
Through the buzzing in my ears, I hear the clink of a belt buckle, my heartbeat becoming frantic like a trapped bird as the reality of what’s about to happen sinks into my bruised bones. Living with the Tailor boys has spoiled me, made it easy to forget what it’s like to have to unwillingly give my body over to a man who didn’t even ask, let alone earn the right to it.
A small pained grunt hisses from my lips as Dean enters my dry pussy, but the sharp sting is nothing compared to the throbbing of the rest of my body, it’s enough to tell me that there'll be some tears that Doc will have to sew up later. It won’t be the first time he’s done it, although it depends on if I’m allowed medical attention after this. I hope so, otherwise, the shallow stab wound Rufus gave me will become problematic. Currently, I can barely feel it, the throbbing of the rest of my body is too great.
“Dove.” A broken murmur sounds from in front of me, and I turn my head to find Aeron’s stormy, blue eyes drowning in agony on the other side of the two sets of bars. He’s lying on the floor so that his face is level with mine, the cages only a few feet apart. Slowly, he stretches his hand out so that his arm is lying across the walkway, his shoulder pressed up to the bars, just like I assume he did last night.
Taking a deep exhale, I move my arm so that it, too, lies across the walkway. Flashes of pain race up my side from my ribs as I try to stretch to reach his fingers.
“That’s it, baby, just a little further,” he encourages, even as my arm jerks in time to the thrusts behind me. I shift closer, ignoring the annoyed grunt from Dean as my body moves. I’m surprised he doesn’t make more of a fuss, but he’s too busy rutting into me like a fucking pig to notice I guess.
A soft gasp escapes my mouth as my fingers brush Aeron’s, his own clasping the tips of mine as if the touch is the most important thing in the world. Useless tears well in my eyes, spilling over at the same time as a drop leaves his own lids to run down his nose.
“It’ll be okay, Dove, I swear,” he vows, his voice raspy and thick. “I won’t rest until everyone who’s ever laid a hand on you lies bleeding at your feet. Including this cunt.”
“Is that so, baby Tailor?” Dean taunts, pausing in his movements, and the skin surrounding Aeron’s eyes tighten, although his gaze never leaves mine. I shiver as a meaty hand brushes my aching scalp, chunky fingers tangling in my hair once more. “You’re a tad too awake for my tastes, girlie,” he whispers, sending shivers of revulsion down my spine as he pulls my head back, my neck bending at a sharp angle.
I lose my grip on Aeron’s fingers, the loss of comfort far worse than the pain in my body.
“N—” Aeron shouts, but I don’t hear the rest as my head cracks down on the floor one last time and everything goes black.
“In the End - Mellen GI Remix” by Tommee Profitt, Fleurie, Mellen GI
We continue to watch Dove long after that Soldier cunt leaves, and I trace the rise and fall of her back almost obsessively, letting it count down time. At least the scum left the light on, I’m not sure I would have coped if he had switched it off and I wasn’t able to watch her.
“She’s still breathing at least,” Jude says quietly, his voice so broken that it tears my already fractured heart into more pieces. We failed her, we couldn’t protect her when she needed us the most and I know that I will never forgive myself for that.
“She’s sustained at least fractured if not broken ribs on her left side, a head wound which more than likely is a concussion, and probably tearing of her vagina,” Tarl says, voice devoid of all emotion, and if I didn’t know him better, I would launch at him right now and beat the shit out of him for being so unfeeling. But he’s detached himself, separated himself from his emotions in order to get through the horror that we just witnessed.
I can’t blame him; I want to do the same, but I can’t. I have to be here for her fully when she wakes up. And she will fucking wake up. My hands clench into fists in my lap as I continue to sit on the frozen fucking floor and stare at her.
Light and noise suddenly fills the space as the door at the end opens, and I get a glimpse at the room beyond, full of Soldiers partying like this is all a big game to them. Like the daughter of their leader wasn’t just viciously raped by one of their own. Although, I guess as it was on Rufus’s orders and it wasn’t anything unusual in the past, why would it bother them?
I grind my teeth when two Soldiers enter, dragging Knox between them. He only looks semi-conscious, his head hanging down, and I can see blood trickling down the side of his face. He looks fucking out of it, and a growl builds inside of my chest the closer he gets to us.
There’s another figure behind him, an older man with round glasses and he looks to be carrying a brown leather bag, the kind you see doctors carry in all the old movies.
“Back up!” one Soldier snarls, and not wanting to be tased again, I do as he says, moving away from the bars at the front of our cage, my hands raised a little to show I’m not a threat. Not yet anyway. Their time will come, we just need to bide ours.
The older man steps forward, taking a key from his pocket, and unlocks the door, letting it swing open and ushering the other two goons inside. They step in, just far enough to drop Knox in a heap on the cold concrete, then they quickly back away out of our cage and wait on the other side of the bars. The older man casts a quick glance at Knox, his brows deeply furrowed, then he shuts our door.
Knox lets out a pained groan before rolling over onto his back and my fists clench so tightly that I swear I feel fucking blood from my short nails digging into my palms. His face is a mottle of bloodied bruising, one eye almost entirely swollen shut, and blood dripping from what looks like a broken nose as well as the cut on his head. In short, he’s a fucking mess.
“Be careful, fucking heathens!” Tarl shouts, immediately rushing to Knox’s side, but the two Soldiers just snigger before they start to head back towards the door.
“Come on, Doc,” one says to the older guy. So, he is a doctor. I leave Knox to Tarl and watch the Soldiers, wondering what the good doctor is here for.
“I’m here to see to Lark,” the Doc replies as he gives Knox a final once over. His voice is gentle yet commanding as he looks at me, his gaze intense, like he’s willing me to understand something. Then he turns back to the Soldiers. “You go and I’ll be along presently.” A breath whooshes out of my chest, relief flooding my veins at the thought of Lark finally getting some medical attention.
“We really shouldn’t leave you, Doc. If anything happens, Rufus will have our hides,” the other Soldier says, looking at his friend with a wrinkled brow, then back at Doc.
“What’s a little slip of a girl going to do, hum? She’s barely conscious, and she knows me. I’ve tended to her many times.” There’s a tightness to the older man’s features as he says the last part, his lips pursing as though he doesn’t approve of Lark’s treatment. Perhaps he can be an ally to us. “And I hear Annabelle and her girls are coming tonight, a gift from Rufus for a job well done last night.”