Page 22 of Kept for Pleasure
I continue my reminiscence.“I remember asking her if she was okay when I was eleven.She didn’t give me a direct answer.She instead told me family was the most important thing, even if it doesn’t feel like it should be.That enduring for family is how you show how much you love them.”
“How,” Sebastian says, his voice breaking, “how did your mother pass?”
My own voice struggles as I put the pieces together.Maybe I always knew, but I didn’t want to see it.I didn’t want to believe it.“A drug overdose.An intentional one.”
She couldn’t take it anymore.She didn’t want to leave me, but she didn’t know what to do.She had the same values she tried to instill in me.Family above all.
Even if it makes you want to kill yourself.
“I’m going to kill him,” Sebastian states, standing up.
I grab him by the hand.“Don’t.I don’t know if you’re being hyperbolic, but don’t.”
“I don’t know if I am either.Not with what I’ve done.”
I rise to stand next to him.“The last thing I want is for you to bring yourself down to his level, Sebastian.”
“I’ll decide what level I should be on.I might enjoy being on his level, just to do to him what he did to you and your mother.”
“How does that saying go?An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind?You don’t need to do anything.Please.It’s not your job to get involved in my problems anyway.”
He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close.His hug is powerful and comforting, and so very warm.“It’s my job to protect you, Clara.”
She looks up at me with a slightly confused smile.“I thought it was the other way around.I’m supposed to take care of you, if you know what I mean.”
“I think the terms of your employment are changing, Clara.You’re not here just for my pleasure now.No, you’re here for your pleasure too.”
“Does that mean I have to pay you?”
He holds me firmly and steals another kiss from me.The way he makes me feel is incredible, my lip is trembling from the brief contact.He makes me feel something I haven’t felt in years, even if it’s in a very different way from then.
“I’ll never ask for anything from you that you don’t want to give, lovely.But if you insist on having terms for this,” he says, his smile growing, clashing with the direness of our previous conversation, “your payment will be your moans of ecstasy when you’re around my cock, and the smiles you give me every time you see me.”
This man has turned my world upside down, and given it was so awful before?That’s a good thing.
He kisses me again.This one is longer, more powerful, and with a bit of tongue.
When it breaks, he looks me firmly in the eye.“I’m keeping you for pleasure, Clara.And your pleasure is my pleasure.”
The rain falls hard as I drive my BMW through what’s definitely the bad part of town.
I have to be sticking out like a sore thumb, but I’m a man on a mission.Maybe I’m a fool.I could have easily hired people to send this message for me, but this means the world to me.And to Clara.It needs a personal touch.
Frank Thompson.
That’s the name of this scumbag.
My private investigator, an old friend of mine named Lawrence, is good at his job.Tailed him for a few days, dug up all of his records for me.
He’s been in prison for assault and battery a few times, and been in and out of county jail over the years, charged with everything from fraud to grand theft auto, and countless other robberies and petty crimes.Plenty of drug charges too.I’m amazed he hasn’t already been locked up and had the key thrown away, but he’s been a lucky son of a bitch.Trials keep going his way, charges get dropped.I wondered if he had a friend in the police force or maybe in the district attorney’s office, but Lawrence said no.He’s just lucky as hell but I’d put money on this guy dying behind bars someday.
If he doesn’t die by my hands first.
I steam when I think of this man.What he did to Clara’s mother.She didn’t say he did those things to her, but I wonder.Those are the types of things you repress.And if Frank did do those things to his daughter, and I confirm it?