Page 4 of Kept for Pleasure
There is a part of me that wants to grab her, turn her around and fuck her right now.With the door open, so the whole world can see.
I restrain myself.I pretend to be a gentleman to those outside who may be looking in, and a gentleman wouldn’t do that.
Gentlemen are fools.
She’s holding a battered suitcase.A lot of the leather on it is scuffed and torn, and the thing looks like it’s going to burst open at any moment.
“Um, hello,” she says, smiling brightly.The nervousness in her tone is clear, and it’s only natural given the situation.
“You must be Clara,” I say.“You’re looking lovely this afternoon.”
“Thank you, I guess.”
“Come on in.”
She follows me, the door closing behind us.She seems fascinated by the mansion around her, her eyes wide and darting about everywhere.“So, um...this is where you live?”
“This is where we live now, lovely.”
“So, um, don’t take this the wrong way, but I’ve been reading up on your family.And this house.Everyone thought it was unoccupied for, like, decades.”
“It was for a bit.Most of the time, anyway.My father used to stay here when he was in this part of the country, but it was never his permanent home.I decided to make it my permanent home a few years back.”I direct her wandering.“Come, let me show you your room.”
“There are rumors that this place is haunted.”
“I haven’t seen any ghosts.At least not any real ones.Just the metaphorical ones.”
“No one’s seen you around the city for a bit either.”
“I keep to myself.I rarely leave the mansion.I have groceries delivered.I suppose I’m one of those metaphorical ghosts, actually.”
“So you live here all by yourself?Alone?”
“Not even a butler?”
“No.I have a cook come by regularly to prepare meals.And a cleaner comes by once a month to spruce up the place, but I’ve lived here mostly in solitude.”
She looks me up and down, now more interested in me than the mansion that surrounds her.“And now you want someone to live here with you?”
I can feel the energy between us.The way she looks at me.She was surprised by my appearance at first, probably expecting some creepy old man, but now she’s only intrigued by me.It’s an earnest look that I haven’t felt thrown my way before, ever—curiosity about me as a person.
We reach our destination.Her bedroom.I had some people come in and make sure it was nice and clean for her.I didn’t want to presume much about her, so it’s undecorated, just a bed, a closet, some dressers, and a bathroom.“I do hope this room is up to your standards, Clara.”
She walks in, those wide eyes lighting up again.“This room is bigger than the entire apartment I was living in before.I have nowhere near enough stuff to fill this place out.”
“Hopefully your pay will give you the income to fill out your space.If that’s what you so desire, anyhow.”
“I’m not really after more stuff, but I guess it’s nice to have the option.”
I walk to the door opposite her bathroom.“This is important to tell you about,” I say as I crack open the door.
She cocks an eyebrow as she looks within.There’s an empty hallway, not as elaborately decorated as the rest of the mansion.
“This is a quick passage to my bedroom.I will make use of it as I wish.”
“You have secret passages in your home?Like it’s some sort of castle?”