Page 60 of Night Returns
My cheeky mate pushed right back.
Then she was outvoted, her parents joining my alpha energy with theirs to compel her to find cover.
A second after Mosa slid behind a tree, a male voice shouted from about a thousand feet out from our position.
“Just who the fuck are you to be ordering everyone around?”
I let the bodies I carried hit the ground then grabbed a chunk of Henric’s hair and lifted him up enough that the wolves who had followed Kalchik could see the leopard’s face.
“You kill him?” the male shouted.
“Nope,” I answered then pointed at Kitka. “She did. I didn’t kill her, either.”
“So why the fuck are you the one talking?”
I remained silent for a few seconds, my answer already formed. The still unseen speaker communicated in silence with the wolves who had followed him here. I could almost taste the thoughts he projected at them.
“Well,” I explained, “because I’m the one who’s going to kill you if we can’t reach a truce.”
“I still don’t know who the fuck you are,” he shouted back. “You as dumb as you are tall?”
Onyx broke cover to stand close to me.
“You know me, don’t you, Riley?”
“Didn’t recognize your smell,” this Riley shifter said. “Must be from all the bear dick you've been sucking since you betrayed your family and your pack.”
“You mean when I betrayed the brother you watched…even helped…regularly beat me? Yeah, that’s me, the betrayer.” Turning in my direction, she waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. “He’s small potatoes. Let me kill him for you.”
Her alpha pulsed in my direction, its energy guiding my attention toward another tree ahead of us.
“Look, friend,” I called out, changing the direction of my gaze. “I know junior here needs the practice, but he’s not the one who calls the shots now, is he?”
A shotgun racked, followed by at least a dozen more. A male alpha stepped out from behind the tree Onyx had guided me toward.
“Just feeling you out, friend.” He smiled, his fangs already elongated.
“But I’m not your friend,” I said, despite addressing him as such seconds before. “I’m the one who convinced Henric I was Kalchik.”
I lightly toed Kitka’s lifeless hand. “And that’s what set Little Miss Crazy Cakes in motion.”
The leader moved half a dozen steps closer, his weapon still positioned so his shot would hit me center mass. Lifting his nose, he took a deep breath, sniffing repeatedly as his head turned in a wide arc to scent everyone who had come with me.
“Couple of cats with you,” he observed. “Justine, is…is that your sweet pussy I’m smelling? Is this giant dope part of the group that rescued you from Henric’s loving discipline?”
Mallory growled, the sound giving away his position beyond the general location his scent revealed.
“Some really fine pussy all around, would be a shame to have to kill them before I fucked them.”
“Keep talking your way closer to an early grave, Dante,” Onyx growled.
The threat brought a sly smile to Dante’s face. Still grinning, he gestured at me with the business end of his shotgun. “I may be an asshole, but I'm reasonable. I'll give you one chance to convince me.”
Sliding a pair of sunglasses on, I dropped my head, hiding my face as I willed my hair to grow longer. Within seconds, it brushed the top of my shoulders at the same time a coarse beard bloomed across my chin and cheeks. When I spoke, it was with a fair approximation of Kalchik’s voice.
The display was risky, but rapid hair growth wasn’t wholly uncommon among male shifters, especially powerful alphas. If I had wanted to, I could have changed my face as I had during Justine’s rescue, but that would occur only as a last resort.
I nudged Henric’s corpse before responding.