Page 62 of Night Returns
He scowled at the she-wolf.
“I’ve done it before.”
“Not in Night Falls,” she countered.
He looked to Clover for support. “I bet I did in Buckley when that mess was over.”
“Not even a thumb’s up,” she deadpanned before going over to make him high-five her. She turned to me next, hand up expectantly.
“Sure,” I said, slapping palms with her and wondering when the hell my heartbeat would return to normal.
The answer came a second later when Mosa curled her arm around the back of my waist, her brilliant green eyes looking up at me.
“Are you okay?”
“Better than her,” I answered, looking at Maebh.
She seemed an empty shell.
Gently, Mosa led me over to the woman who claimed to be my grandmother. I got down on my knees next to her, leaned close until she closed the gap between us. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her as gently as I might a newborn, she felt that fragile.
“It’s over,” I whispered in her ear. “You’re not alone anymore.”
Her palm centered over my heart as she met my gaze.
“Neither are you, child. Neither are you.”
“I thoughtMaebh was going to kick me out of my own house rather than return to her home,” Doone chuckle-sighed as he checked the front door locks. Satisfied, he slid onto the oversized couch where I sat with my feet elevated on an equally oversized ottoman.
“What?” he asked, catching the grin I couldn’t contain.
“Just that you already checked the locks twice since your grandmother left. You know there are four perimeter guards out there, right?”
He crinkled his nose at me.
"Wrong, smartypants," he countered at the same time he deftly rolled to straddle my lower torso and legs without putting any of his weight on my pregnant belly. "There are a mere three until Garrett returns from walking Maebh home."
A devilish grin shaped his face as he brushed his lips across my ever expanding stomach. I had gotten so big as the pregnancy advanced that everyone in the wolf clan he now governed was predicting twins at a minimum, but possibly triplets.
The idea of handling three at once left me despairing despite the shivery thrill that traveled across my flesh to chase after the faint pressure of Doone's lips. The niggling worry that I wouldn't be able to keep up with the task of raising even one child evaporated as his hands began to travel.
A delicious burst of one-hundred percent alpha male pheromones swirled through the air.
“Oh,” I teased, “was that why you were so eager to get rid of Maebh?”
He shrugged. “I figured your tummy was beginning to chafe from how often she touched it. One would think she was your grandmother and not mine.”
Wiping away the insta-tears that erupted at the faint hint of sadness that lined his answer, I muttered something about me and my damn pregnancy hormones.
“She loves you more than you are willing to accept right now,” I said, my stupid nose and throat clogging with emotion. “But she feels guilty about not being able to protect Sorcha while also feeling abandoned by Sorcha. And after the unimaginable trauma and loss, she lived decades as an outcast among the wolves because her mere existence was a reminder of the atrocity they stood by and allowed to happen.”
“This conversation is a definite boner killer,” he teased, lifting up to plant a string of kisses along my jawline.
I rolled my eyes then gently knocked my head against his.