Page 7 of Strength from Courage
“I can’t wait to have you home,” he told me as he pulled back from the hold and took my washbag from me. He walked over to my overnight bag that was sat open, and half-filled on the hospital bed. Trent must have packed everything into it for me, I realised. Dad placed my washbag inside.
“I, for one, vote we don’t return to this hospital for at least a year now,” Trent joked.
“I agree completely,” I replied as I moved over to the chair beside the bed and lowered into it with a grimace as my ribs smarted.
“Me too. In fact, I never want to see this place again,” Dad added as he took a pair of navy Sketchers, which I had never seen before, from Trent and rounded the bed to me. “I swear I’ve aged ten years over the last month,” he sighed as he crouched down before me.
“I can manage,” I assured him as I reached for the trainers.
“Not without causing yourself some pain,” Dad returned as he held open the slip-on trainer for me to slide my foot in. Knowing he was right, and also that he wouldn’t give in, I just slipped my feet into my shoes with his help.
“Have you been shopping for me again Trent?” I asked as I looked to him with raised eyebrows.
“I’ve been shopping for everyone,” he sighed. “What else was I supposed to do? I couldn’t go to work or the gym. Shopping was my only stress relief.” I wanted to scold him, having already told him at least a dozen times to stop buying me things I didn’t need, since I arrived there almost two months before, but I knew how worked up he had been.
It had been bad enough when he was in pain with his leg, and unable to do anything he wanted to do, like return to work, or go to the gym. He hadn’t even been able to drive and he’d been sick and tired of it all by the night of the twin’s party. Then I was hit and things just got worse for him. He was worried about me on top of everything else and not sleeping properly. Who could begrudge him a little shopping if it helped him through everything?
“Either Trent gets that plaster cast off and returns to his normal life, or we need to build new, additional closets in the house,” Dad laughed.
“I already had more clothes than I could wear in one lifetime,” I groaned, but smiled over to Trent to show I was just teasing, sort of. I honestly did already have more clothes than I knew what to do with, before the accident. Who knew what was in my wardrobe now?
“I’m sure the guys would be good with you taking some stuff to their places. You’ll be staying some nights with them all, soon, I’m sure,” Trent shrugged. I looked up to him with a scowl.
I knew my dad must have some idea of the relationship between the guys and I, having seen them all hold, kiss, and even sleep beside me there at the hospital, not to mention all they had done to take care of me during that week, but we hadn’t outright come out and discussed it yet, and I was very nervous about what his reaction would be when we did. I did not need Trent talking about me sleeping over with the guys in that moment.
“What?” Trent laughed. “Dad knows, tiny. Your four men declared that you are theirs the first night you were brought in here.”
“What?” I gasped as I looked down with question and panic, to where my dad still crouched before me.
“It’s alright, sweetheart. I was a little shocked at first, I’ll admit. It’s far from a conventional relationship, but all I care about is that you are happy and cared for. Dec, Grey, and the twins will do that. They’re good men. As long as it’s what you want, then I’m good with it,” he assured me as he placed a comforting hand on my knee.
“Thank you,” I whispered tearfully as I placed my hand over his. “It is….w-what I want, I mean. I care for them all, very m-much.”
“Then you all have my support.” He nodded once, then got to his feet. “Now, are we ready to leave?” he asked, as he turned and looked to Trent.
“We just need a script for Blake’s new pain pills from the doc. He said he’d leave it at the nurses station,” Trent explained.
“Great. Can you help Blake out while I go and collect that?” Dad asked, and Trent nodded and stood from where he had been leaning against the wall. He had some kind of boot on his cast this time so he could sort of hobble and not use crutches.
“Do you really think h-he’s okay about me and the guys?” I asked as I too got to my feet and faced my brother as he hobbled my way.
“Like he said, he just wants you to be happy. If you were in a relationship with four guys he’d never met, I don’t think he’d be as easy going about it, but he knows the guys, knows they’ll protect and respect you. That helps,” he explained.
“And you? You’re okay w-with it?”
“As long as they’re good to you and make you smile, I’m good. If they hurt you though, I will kick their asses, Blake. No one will stop me from having my sister’s back, not even my relationship with the four of them,” he pledged as he stepped forward and grabbed my bag from the bed.
“I’d never want you guys to fall out,” I sighed.
“Then they better be good to you,” he replied as he rounded the bed and held his arm out to me. I slid under it and leaned into his side, still feeling a little shaky on my legs, especially after the effort of getting washed up and changed that morning. “Let’s get you home, tiny. I’ve missed having you in the house. It’s too quiet when you’re not there.”
“Are you s-saying I’m loud?” I laughed.
“No one could ever accuse you of being loud,” he chuckled. “It’s just, since you arrived, you made our house feel like a home again. It’s not the same when you’re not there,” he told me, making me feel emotional all over again.
“I’ve missed you t-too. You and Dad have given me the first real home I’ve ever had. I can’t wait to get b-back there.”
Trent smiled softly as he pulled me even tighter into his side for a half hug. I encircled his waist in an embrace too, and we left the hospital room that had caused me so much panic and anxiety over the last week. My guys and my family were what had got me through. They gave me the safety and protection I needed to be braver and I thanked my lucky stars for each of them every single day.