Page 17 of Delicate Angel
Ruslan leans back a bit against the couch and mulls over what I’ve asked him. “I’d say within the next two months, but if it happens to be sooner, then great.”
“Okay, I’ll get things wrapped up and let you know when everything is settled,” I tell my brother, but as I’m speaking to him, the distinctive sounds of footsteps against the floor cause me to turn and look through the doorway. Sure enough, Eset and Nazyr are headed in our direction. Once Eset sees me, she rushes down the rest of the hallway and darts into the office, then wraps her arms around me as quickly as possible. “Oh, I’ve missed you!” she exclaims, and I hold her tightly against me. Eset is really the light of our family. Over the last few months, she’s shown how badass she is, but she’s the one who keeps us grounded and reminds us that our family is everything.
“I’ve missed you too, little one,” I tell her, and she lets me go, then takes a seat beside me.
Nazyr comes into the office and shuts the door behind him, giving us some semblance of privacy. “It’s good to see you, brother,” Nazyr tells me before he takes a seat in one of the armchairs sitting across from us.
“Likewise,” I state.
“I noticed Emily’s here, too,” Eset prods, and Ruslan cackles.
“Best not ask him about Emily.”
Eset raises both of her brows. “Oh, really? Why is that? Someone getting a little possessive?”
“I’d say, but it’d be best we don’t talk about it. It could bother Lom,” Ruslan presses his lips together as he finishes, and Eset gets a good laugh out of it. They both damn well know I give ashit about Emily. I think I’m horrible at hiding it, so I’m doing my best here to remain as stoic as possible.
“Since you’re here, have you heard anything about Artos?” Ruslan looks over at Nazyr, who barely takes a moment before he shakes his head.
“He’s in the wind, but he won’t be for long. I know we all have our allies looking out for him. It’s only a matter of time before he’s caught,” Nazyr grumbles, and Ruslan clears his throat.
“Correction, before that scum is caught,” Ruslan adds, and I’m not surprised in the least bit. If anyone has a right to be angry about anything, it’s Ruslan. Artos turned on him, and Artos was one of the people responsible for him being tortured. When we get our hands on him, there will be no turning back.
There’s a bit of silence before Ruslan takes the conversation in another direction. “All right. I know he’s going to turn up eventually, but I’d be lying if I said I’m not angry. I hate that he’s still out there.”
“We’re going to find him, brother. I don’t have one doubt in my mind that we will,” Eset speaks up, trying to be the positivity our brother needs right now.
“Have you found any information on Kirill’s child?” Ruslan asks Eset.
Kirill had a daughter who was supposedly taken as leverage for his betrayal. “No, not yet. We all know my father took the child, but I have reason to believe Artos might have her now.” Eset promised Kirill before he was killed that she’d find his daughter, and it proves that even though our sister is cutthroat, she has a damn good heart.
“Why do you even keep looking? The girl doesn’t matter to us,” Nazyr tells her, and Eset whips her head in his direction so fast that I think her head’s going to pop off and roll on the floor.
“I made a promise to a dying man. A man who knew what was coming and a man who undoubtedly had no choice when hewas told to go against us. We all know Kirill betrayed us. There’s no denying it, but his reasoning why he did is very important. I believe what Kirill said, and I think most of you do too.” Eset pauses for a second but glares at Nazyr with determination. “The only way they were able to get Kirill to go against the family was by taking his daughter. Otherwise, he was completely faithful and loyal to us. I think Artos has the girl, and I’m betting on killing two birds with one stone.”
“I don’t know why you’re even bothering to find her, Eset. It’s a waste of time.” Nazyr is making his opinion known, but it’s not exactly a good one. He’s showing us all how cold-hearted and careless he can be. Now, it isn’t bad to be either of those things in our family’s profession, but there are times when we need to lead with what beats in our chest, too.
“I think it’s good of Eset to not let our family’s lifestyle alter her character. She made a dying man a promise, and she’s doing everything she can to follow through with it,” I state, speaking up for our sister. Eset gives me a half-smile in thanks, but her attention quickly shifts back to Nazyr.
“You’re searching for a needle in a haystack,” he tries to defend himself, but it won’t matter.
“Then so be it,” Eset states plain as day.
She is a rarity in this world. On the one hand, she is brutal and relentless, and on the other hand, she is caring and heartfelt. She may be my younger sister, but I want to protect who she is as a person. I don’t want her true nature to be lost in this world, and it’s so possible. More possible than I think she even realizes.
“Has anyone spoken to our mother recently?” Ruslan asks the group of us.
When it comes to our mother, things are very tense.
No one says a damn thing, and Ruslan speaks up again. “As I thought. She made her choice when she chose Anzor.”
I don’t think any of us believe we’re ever going to mend our relationships with our mother. In fact, I have to be honest when I say that I was surprised that Nazyr and Eset even sided with us. I assumed they were going to choose their father, but I’m glad they saw him for what he was—a big fucking joke.
“How are things going in Atlanta, brother?” Eset changes the subject, and I’m going to keep my reply strictly work-related. I know my sister is nosy and digging for some information, but I’m not foolish enough to fall for it.
Chapter Nine