Page 35 of Delicate Angel
“We know that Julio has a facility where he houses them in Del Rio, Texas. It’s on the other side of the Mexican border, and we believe he has some sort of way to get them in and out. My best guess is they have underground tunnels. It would be a way to stay underneath ICE’s radar. A child confirmed they go down and then come up, but we’re not sure how reliable she is.”
Children hardly ever lie, especially under these sorts of circumstances. “The child’s reliable. What else do you have for me?”
“If that’s the case, then we’re going to believe all of what she’s said? My worry is that we can’t trust her, given the things we don’t know about. We’re unsure if she’s been coerced to say these things to us or if she’s being honest.”
“Without her, we have nothing to go off of, so we need to believe what she says.”
“Okay, then she’s told us she’s gone up and down, followed her bosses wherever they told her to go.”
“How old is this girl that you have?”
“She’s fourteen, and she’s giving us a lot of information,” Ludvik murmurs as he takes his grilled cheese off the frying pan and places it on the plate sitting on the counter.
“Then we should believe her. You said there are fourteen girls in that age bracket, and while I wasn’t prepared to take that many away from Julio’s ring, we have no choice but to do it.”
“We don’t have the facilities to do it, boss.”
“It doesn’t matter. I won’t leave helpless children in that monster’s hands. We get them all out. Any of them could be Emily’s daughter. We’re going to have to orchestrate something to get them, as well as transportation.”
“Do you have anyone who can get the girls out? Transportation wise?” Ludvik questions as he turns the stove off and takes a bite of his grilled cheese.
“I do. I have a contact who owns a shipping company. They work by stating they’re delivering rabbit food to different distributors, but the reality is they aren’t. They have hidden areas in the tractor trailers all the way in the back, which makes up for the weight distribution.” Each bag of rabbit food weighs about forty pounds. If there are one hundred bags on one trailer, that’s four thousand pounds of cargo. They’ll get the girls loaded onto the trailer, and then they’ll put the rabbit food in front of them once they get to a secure location. It’ll be easy as pie.
“Okay, then we’re developing a plan to get these girls out. It’ll be one hell of an operation, boss.”
“It will be, but at the end of the day, I know we’re going to be successful with it. We’ll get the girls on that trailer and bring them here to Atlanta. There’s a warehouse outside the city that we used to torture my stepfather. It’s out of sight and off the radar. We can have the semi-truck deliver the girls there, and it’ll give them a safe place to stay in the meantime until I can come up with a more permanent solution for the other thirteen girls.”
“Okay, I’ll do whatever needs to be done.” Ludvik has always been a loyal soldier, and after Kirill’s betrayal, I’m hoping Ludvik won’t let me down as Kirill did.
“Thank you. We’ll discuss how we’re going to execute the plan flawlessly later, but good job,” I tell Ludvik, and he nods, taking his plate over to the dining area where he chooses to eat.
Meanwhile, I fish my phone out of my pocket and call Ruslan. Surprisingly, he answers on the second ring. “It’s fucking early. What’s going on?”
“Ludvik found out where Julio keeps the children in the trafficking situation. I’m going to pull an operation where we, or hired soldiers, go in and grab the girls of a certain age bracket.One of those could be Emily’s child, and I promised Emily I’d help find her. We’re no doubt going to have some sort of pushback, but if everything goes according to plan, no one will know it was us until after the children are safe and Emily is reunited with her daughter.”
“All right, I can’t be angry with you anymore since you brought me good news. I have news as well, but I was going to wait until tomorrow to tell you. Nazyr confirmed it’s Artos in Canada, and he’s bringing him back to Grozny. I want to deal with him in our homeland, and after what he did, there’s no way I could miss out on making him suffer slowly and painfully.” I don’t blame my brother for wanting what he does at all. If the shoe were on the other foot, I’d want to deal with him myself too.
“Will you wait until I get there? I have a bone to pick with him as well.”
Ruslan sighs. “We all have a bone to pick with Artos. How long will it be until you can get here?”
“Two weeks, maybe three,” I answer honestly.
“I’ll try to wait, but I can’t make any promises. Artos has a lot to pay for, and while I plan on making his death a slow one… I don’t know if it’ll be that slow.” I understand exactly where my brother is coming from. If I’m lucky, I’ll be back in Grozny before shit hits the fan, but if I’m not, it’ll simply be water under the bridge.
Chapter Nineteen
It’s been a couple of days since that entire ordeal with my parents, and I’m happy to say I’ve calmed down for the most part. At the end of the day, I knew they weren’t going to be supportive. My aunt meddling in it when she had no right, of course, made things more difficult, but I’m trying to remind myself I was going to tell them about the baby, and they were likely going to be awful to me regardless.
I woke up about half an hour ago in Lom’s hotel suite. I’ve already gotten a shower, blow-dried my hair, and even got a little bit of makeup on for the day. Lom’s still in blissful sleep, and I don’t want to wake him up at all. He’s been so supportive of me over these past few weeks, and if anything, he deserves to catch some extra sleep for it.
I shoot him a text where I tell him that I’m heading back to my apartment to pack up more of my stuff.
I’m almost done with packing, and I can’t wait for it to be over. Amelia offered to have a moving company come and do everything for us, but the mere thought of some random man finding my vibrator literally made me want to gag. Not to mention the fact it would be absolutely mortifying.
I’m walking out toward the corridor when I hear a set of footsteps hot on my heels. Turning around, I’m snickering to myself when I see who it is. “It’s early as fuck, and you’re already running out the door,” Ludvik grumbles with his shirt halfway on. He tugs the rest of it down and seems really irritated that I’m leaving the hotel suite.