Page 24 of Tormented Angel
“Nazyr, I need to know. Was it a good chat? A bad one? Did he tell you that they’re not your family’s problem?”
I shake my head, not wanting her to think anything bad. “No, not in the least bit. We developed a plan on how we’re going to get the girls and when.” I pause for a moment, thinking about how much I’m going to tell her, but I don’t think that it will hurt for her to be informed.
“Long story short, my sister is going to throw some sort of event at her gallery in London. Duarte already told me he likes art, so we thought this would be a good opportunity to get him away from his house. We already know he doesn’t take the children with him, so while I’m in London with Eset and Ruslan, you’re going to be in Portugal with Lom. I don’t want to force you to be there because it’s going to be dangerous, but we think if you’re there, it’ll help us get the girls out a lot faster.”
Mona swallows hard, and I look right into her eyes. They’re quickly filling with tears, and she’s struggling to keep them back. Her lower lip quivers, and finally, she speaks, “All I want in this world is for my baby girls to be back in my arms. Thank you so much. I’m so indebted to your family.”
“You’re not indebted to us at all. We’re doing the right thing, and that’s enough for us,” I tell her, and she nods again, still struggling to keep her emotions back. “I did want to discuss something with you, though.”
It’s something I’ve given a lot of thought, and I’m pretty damn sure Mona’s going to be happy about this. I already know she has feelings for me. Feelings that are growing every single day. But I am wondering how she’s going to react to this.
“Okay, is it bad?”
Mona always assumes everything is negative, but it isn’t. I really think it’s something she’s going to like.
“No, not at all. I think it would be a good idea for us to renovate one of the bedrooms upstairs for the girls. This way, when we do get them, they have a place that’s ready for them.”
Mona blinks a couple of times in shock at me. “Really? You… you want us to stay here with you?”
“Yeah, I do. I don’t think there would be a safer place for you all, especially after this shit goes down with Duarte.” She has to know I’m right. “I’m not going to pick anything out. They’re your little girls, so I want you to make it special for them.”
Tears are sliding down Mona’s cheeks, and I can see she’s struggling to keep her feelings back. “I’m so sorry for crying like this. I probably look like a bloody mess, but you’ve been a dream, Nazyr. Ever since you took me away from Duarte’s estate, you’ve given me choices. I never thought I’d be living a life like this, where I had some semblance of freedom. It blows my ever-loving mind, Nazyr.”
I give Mona’s leg a squeeze, but I feel like it’s not enough, so I wrap my arm around her and pull her close against me.
Mona nuzzles herself against my chest, and her tears coat my dress shirt, but I couldn’t care less. If anything, this woman is allowed to cry. She’s been through a hell of a lot, and if she acted like she didn’t give a damn, I’d be worried she was some sort of sociopath.
“I’m only trying to give you some common decency. You’ve lived for so long without it, and while I know you’re a strong woman… you shouldn’t have to carry the weight you have for as long as you have. You need someone in your corner, and I’ll be that person for you.”
Mona looks up at me through her thick lashes, and surprisingly enough, she inches closer to my mouth. There’s a tense moment of silence between the two of us before she presses her lips against mine. Her movements are soft and delicate, and I’m matching them. I don’t want to be too forceful with her right now, especially because of what she’s been through. Sometimes, I think I’m treating her with kid gloves… but I’m only being kind. She’s a woman who’s gone through way too much. More than she should have ever had to go through in the first place.
Mona surprises me by pushing her blanket to the side and placing her legs on either side of mine. She keeps kissing me continuously and runs her hands along my chest, wrapping them up in my tie. I let out a soft moan, trying to hold myself back, but I know where this is likely heading. I want to go slow with her. I don’t want her to feel like I need sex from her, but hell, if I don’t enjoy her touching me. I love learning more about Mona, and I love being with her. As much as I try to deny it, I know I’m starting to develop real, strong feelings for her.
“Mona,” I say her name as I take my lips away from hers, and she stares right into my eyes.
“Don’t. Don’t deny me this right now. I need you, Nazyr. Okay? I need to feel this… to feel like I’m an actual human, and you do that for me. You make me feel like I’m a person and not an object.”
She’s never really spoken to me so plainly before, so I nod and run my hands along her body. I’m not forceful, but I caress her and push up the skirt of her dress. I slither my hand between her thighs and feel the warmth between her legs.
She gasps, and her gaze keeps me going. My cock is as hard as a rock, and I’m ready to bury myself inside her tight pussy. I bring my lips back to hers and kiss her deeply, showing her I’m going to make sure she gets just as much pleasure as I do.
Mona takes her lips away from mine and whispers, “I need you now, Nazyr.” And I plan on giving her exactly what she’s asking for.
Chapter Fourteen
I’ve never been this direct with Nazyr until now, but I’m not regretting any bit of it. Nazyr’s eyes flash to mine, and he sucks in a sharp breath through his nose. I know he’s debating whether or not he should push this any further, but I want him to. I want him to connect with me in this way so badly. So badly that he probably doesn’t even know.
Nazyr has his hand between my legs, brushing his fingertips against my panties, feeling the wetness pooling there. I can do one of two things right now. I can keep letting him take the lead, or I can take the initiative. Before I can even move, his lips are on mine, and he’s tugging on my panties. We both work to get them off while kissing one another. Finally, Nazyr pulls my panties down and drags them until they’re at my ankles, then pulls them off. We continue kissing, and his hands search every part of my body.
The two of us don’t say a damn thing to each other. We only let the moment take us away. I don’t know how long I’ve been kissing him or how long his hands have been skirting across my skin, but I could do this for hours. I feel so important to Nazyr, and I know it’s fucking insane, but I don’t know another bloody way to explain it. The man has made so many sacrifices for me, and now his family is making sacrifices in order to make sure my children are safe. I don’t know many men like Nazyr, and I don’t want to. He’s the only man I want touching me like this. Fuck, he’s all I’ve been thinking about lately.
I’ve been trying to push my feelings away. I’ve been trying to have them not be so overwhelming, but I was wrong. They weren’t overwhelming at all. What they are is massive. My feelings are massive for him, and they only continue to grow as we speak more and more.
When this situation first presented itself, I was afraid to go with Nazyr, but now I wish I was never scared to go with him. I wish there was some sort of way I could’ve looked into the future. I would’ve told the terrified, fear-filled version of me that everything was going to be okay. I’d tell her that she’d learn the man who she believed was a monster was actually an angel. Then again, he might not be an angel at all. He might just be a monster who’s in my corner.
“Med, I need you.”