Page 43 of Tormented Angel
She’s solidified her own fate, and there’s nothing else we can do about it.
We were all out for hours looking for our mother. Teams were spread out across the city, but not one of us was able to find her. I’m sort of starting to wonder if she was prepared for this when she had those men after Eset and Meryem earlier today. If so, I’m not surprised. If anything, we’ve discovered our mother is like a cockroach threatened to be burned alive—somehow still finding the strength to survive.
I just finally got back home, and it’s already past the girls’ bedtime. Mona’s in her usual spot, tucked away with a book in her hands and a blanket draped over her. She’s halfway through a novel she started the day before yesterday, but I don’t have a clue what it’s about.
I make my way over to where Mona is and sit next to her. She finishes reading the page she’s on and places the bookmark between the pages, then sets it beside her.
“You’ve been gone all day. Is everything okay?”
Based on the way Mona’s speaking to me right now, she knows nothing is okay. Usually, I call or shoot her a couple of text messages, but I didn’t do that today. Instead, I was neck-deep in the search for my mother.
I bluster a heavy sigh and look into her beautiful vibrant jade green eyes. “No, not really.” I don’t know where to begin telling her how my day went.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Mona asks, grabbing onto my forearm. She gives me a reassuring squeeze, letting me know she’s here for me.
“In a way, I guess. In another way, not really. I’m just so fucking frustrated, Mona,” I grumble and shake my head.
“I’m not going to sit here and force you to tell me anything, but please understand I’m here if you need me to be.”
I appreciate what Mona is to me so much. She isn’t just my girlfriend anymore. She’s my confidant, and she’s damn well becoming my best friend. All in all, she’s the whole package.
I take a deep breath, knowing it doesn’t feel right keeping anything from her. “You know my siblings and I went to Ruslan’s today. Well, my brothers and I were there first. Eset was late.”
Mona draws her brows together. “What? Your sister should be called Mrs. Punctuality.”
See, even Mona knows that Eset is always right on time.
“Yeah, so she was with Meryem in the park when she and one of her security members, Gabriel, realized that people were following them. It happened quickly, from what I understand, but there was gunfire focused on Eset and Meryem. Gabriel was able to hold them off, and Eset was able to get away with Meryem and eventually made it to Ruslan’s house.”
Mona’s eyes widen as I tell her the story, and she squeezes my forearm in anxious anticipation.
“Why were people after them? What happened?” Mona might think this has something to do with Duarte, but it doesn’t, and I’m about to tell her that.
“Eset’s heard some things about our mother. Long story short, our mother is creating problems for us. She’s the one behind what happened today, and I think it’s total and complete bullshit. She views us as her enemy, and now she’s become ours. She’s having people watch us, Mona. That’s not even the part that pisses me off. What does is how badly she’s determined to harm us. Eset recently stood up to our mother, so I know it’s why she was targeted first.” I shake my head as fury boils my blood.
How can a mother go against her children the way she has? How can she live with herself every single day, knowing what she’s done? Knowing what she’s condoned? I don’t think I’ll ever understand. What I do know is my mother shouldn’t have ever had children. She’s used us all as pawns in her game since the day we were each born. We weren’t her children that she loved. We are and have only ever been possessions in her eyes.
“Bloody hell. What in the fuck is she thinking?” Mona’s in complete shock.
I guarantee as time goes on and she begins to witness things firsthand, she won’t be as shocked as she is right now.
“Who knows. That’s the thing with my mother. We never know where her head’s at, only that it’s on whatever path she wants it to be.”
“I’m so sorry, Nazyr. Honestly, I am so, so sorry.”
“There’s no need to apologize to me. You can’t control any of this, and my mother will always look out for herself before anyone else.”
“That isn’t a mother’s mentality. I know she’s the woman who gave birth to you, but it doesn’t mean she’s your mother.” Mona’s words might be coming out a bit callous right now, though she makes a great point.
I move my hand down to where Mona’s hand is and give it a squeeze. This woman who’s right by my side is the prime example of a mother. She’s the type that will do anything for her children. Anything at all. I wish my mother was more like her. If she was, I bet our lives would’ve been a lot different. There’s nothing more that a child craves than love, and I don’t think any of us are asking for too much.
The fact of the matter is we know what we’re dealing with. I only wish it would make things a little bit easier, but unfortunately, it hasn’t done that. It only makes us all more frustrated.
“You’re right… when this is all over with, I want to take you and the girls on vacation. Is there any place specifically you’d want to go?”
Mona ponders for a couple of moments before the most beautiful smile spreads across her face. “There is one place I’ve never gone before, and I’ve thought about it ever since I was a little girl.”