Page 142 of Broken Lines
“June, what?”
“Um…so we’re just, like, singing now?”
I stiffen. And it’s literally not until she says it that I realize what just happened. I didn’t speak the lines. Isangthem.
“Huh,” I say quietly.
June puts her guitar down, looking at me intensely.
“Also, hi, are you fucking shitting me with that voice?”
“I will not. And Ilovethe way you lifted the melody line on ‘ever’ and ‘better’. Like, I love that.”
I drop my eyes to my drink, feeling my face flush. When June says nothing, I look up to find her looking at me intensely.
“Oh c’mon, what?”
“Aside fromyousinging in front of me? And being fucking amazing?”
“Let’s move past that.”
She smiles curiously.
“You know I know your tell by now, right?”
I swallow as heat creeps up my neck.
“Yeah, you’ve gotta stop saying ‘what’, Mel. And your tell is that when you’re…I don’t want to call itlying, but when you’re holding something back, you get this little stiff-necked, head-back thing going on where your chin kinda disappears?”
“Wow, flattering, thank you.”
She grins as I roll my eyes and look away.
“I think it’s time we talk about this trip to Maine.”
“There’s…nothing to talk about.”
I pray the giant gulp of whiskey I slug down doesn’t look as suspicious as I think it probably does.
“I went to a tiny ass town with no cell service in the middle of nowhere and got snowed into my motel for a week. It was honestly pretty uneventful.”
“What’d you watch?”
I frown. “Huh?”
“I mean, if I’m trapped in a motel for aweek, and I don’t have a guitar? I’m going to watch whatever is on TV until my eyes bleed. So, what did you watch?”